10. No school!

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I woke up to my body freezing cold and in water,

"Are you okay?" I turned around and saw Liam,
"Yeah fine what happened" I answered him.

"Garrett he knocked u out and stabbed me with Wolfsb-" he said before he groaned cutting himself off, I grabbed his hand to comfort him.

"We're gonna get out of here, Scott will help us" I said giving him a small smile.


"Somebody help us please" Liam screamed,
"Liam I doubt if there was anyone around they wouldn't hear you Scott will find his way to us" I said hoping he wouldn't wear himself out.

"Hey have you tried climbing it?"I asked examining the walls,
He looked at me and started to climb.

He was halfway up and his hand slipped dropping him back in and splashing me.
He punched the wall and I grabbed his hand,
"Liam remember you're first full moon?" I said as he nodded and made eye contact knowing what I was saying.

He looked and me and smiled as he tried climbing again,

"Keep going you're nearly there" I screamed as he neared the top.

I could tell he was about to fall and then I heard him roar,
That should bring Scott to us.

His foot slipped and I screamed,
I was preparing myself to get splashed again but looked up and saw him dangling with someone grabbing his hand,

"Hold on kelaya I brought a rope" I heard Scott say.


I quickly looked away because I didn't wanna see them cut liams chest open.
I heard Scott going on about how he doesn't want anyone else to die and that he's gonna save everyone.


I sat on my older brothers bed as Scott and stiles started counting the money they found,
They wouldn't tell me where but I'm sure it had something to do with the dead pool.

Till Scott found a tape that said "play me"

"You ever made a wire transplant?" Stiles asked me and Scott and I shook my head as Scott said "never had enough money"
"So none of u understood a word of that either?" I said,
"I don't understand any of this,why would someone use all this money just to kill us?" Scott said as stiles answered "someone wants you dead dude, badly" as he looked at Scott then me "and her" he added.

I sighed and went to my room, I was tired of all this, of having to make sure none of us dies, I was tired of being in all this mess, the only thing that feels normal is Liam and I don't know why or how but he is.

I saw malia run past my room and followed behind her,
"We found satomis pack, derek and I... but they're dead" she said out of breath,
"All of them?" I asked from behind her to which she replied "all the ones we found"
"Where's derek"stiles asked,

I went to sleep because god knows I needed it.

We had school off today because the juniors were taking some tests and my mom was at the hospital so I was home alone again...

I decided it would be best to go for a walk so I left the house and let my feet guide me,
I came across a very familiar house.

There I was stood infront of Liam Dunbars house.


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