Vol. 1: Chapter 1 - Freedom

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This is my first fanfiction and I'm really not that confident about it but I do hope that you will enjoy reading this! This fanfiction contains spoilers from volume 1 onwards so be sure to read the light novel first before reading this fanfiction. That's all and enjoy the read!


I know this is kind of sudden, but, please, it will only take a moment. I want your honest opinion.

What is freedom?

What is freedom? Is it an absolute right? We are born to become free. Freedom is defined from different aspects, and according to different cultures, freedom varies from one culture to another. Some define freedom as a natural right, the human being is born with. Everyone wants to be free and independent from others. Freedom is the right to do what one wants, live where he wants, eat what he wants, learn what he wants, say what he wants, choose what he wants, without ignoring or harming others' rights.

Does everyone deserve freedom?

Aristotle once wrote that there are such things as "natural slaves", and in reality, there are few people who want nothing more than to be told what to do, and yet I cannot help but think that it depends on how this concept is interpreted.

Nevertheless, everyone deserves freedom. Everyone deserves the same freedom when they are born, they must be allowed to live their lives however they wish. No matter the race, color, national origin, sex, or religion, everyone deserves to be free. 

However, there are limits to this so-called 'freedom'.

As stated earlier, freedom is the right to do what one wants, without ignoring or harming others' rights.

This implies that freedom is not absolute but rather limited. The concept of "absolute freedom" is an illusion, like the prospect of being "like a god" for simply eating a piece of fruit. Absolute freedom does not exist physically, intellectually, or spiritually. Everything has its limitations and bounds which cannot be exceeded.

The limitations on freedom are most evident in the realms in which we have the greatest experience and the more experience and understanding we gain, the more evident the boundaries become. Physical freedom has many bounds that are generally obvious. Our physical bodies cannot breathe underwater, walk through walls, sustain flight like a bird, live in fire, or live beyond a certain life span. Mechanical or other inventions that help us accomplish those feats also have their limitations.

Our physical freedoms are also limited by laws that are rightly in place to protect us and others from being damaged by the deliberate or sometimes unintentional actions of another. That limitation on freedom is often referred to as responsibility. Responsibility is part of the law of cause and effect. It identifies and holds accountable the source of a cause for the effect it creates, in that every action is affected in some way by the reaction that results. We often see this illustrated in high-profile court cases featuring pharmaceutical, chemical, and agricultural companies whose discoveries have benefited thousands or millions of people only to be penalized by enormous judgments in favor of a small minority.

Intellectual freedoms are limited to what we experience in life. King Solomon said it best, "there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1) Our thoughts and intellect are only capable of building on what we already know and nothing more. Things like new inventions, science fiction, and fantasy, no matter how seemingly unique, are always connected to what is around us.

Spiritual freedoms are what we understand the least and are limited to the same bounds as intellectual freedoms. We may reach that border of darkness during our meditations or we may reach the point of bright and shining light, colored or clear, but everything in between is only related to and can only be described in terms of what we already know. Desire though we may, no one has crossed the boundary of our fleshly existence and brought back some piece of knowledge that is not expressed in terms of our present existence. I personally believe that the Bible is the greatest authority in existence on the spiritual realm, yet there is not one verse that is not written in clear and understandable physical terms to which we can relate, even though for many it may be difficult to understand.

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