Vol. 1: Chapter 2.2 - Shnookerdookies

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"Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power."


April. The school entrance ceremony. I had arrived at school yesterday through Matsuo's aid and I have discovered a lot of things about the school after hours of investigation. It seems like the school is under strict surveillance with dozens of cameras to be seen in every corridor. Moreover, I saw people wearing the same uniform that I got from the chairman, I could assume that they are students here. Most preferably, the new sophomores and juniors. 

I disliked the entrance ceremony and imagined that many first-year students probably felt the same. The principal and the students exchanged excessive words of gratitude, there was far too much time spent standing in lines, and, with so many irritating things to deal with, it all felt like a huge pain in the butt. Although I may have complaints, I'm kind of grateful since it was an opportunity for me to understand a thing or two about people my age. You could say that they serve as my textbooks on social norms and on how a teenager like me should act. Ceremonies mark life's essential moments. Such events mark the passage of time, and the sharing of values and traditions across generation. The entrance ceremonies for elementary school, middle school, and high school all mean one thing: the start of another major trial for children. It also marks the start of my troubles.

I entered a room which was supposed to be my classroom. Looking around it, I walked towards the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the center of the room. I'd say a decent place to sit. As I looked around, I realized that the room was desolate. It was depressingly empty despite its substantial dimensions. It was also devoid of noise. You couldn't hear a single speck of sound except the sound of the wind's whistling. As a matter of fact, it was peaceful and tranquil.

As I was observing my surroundings, a sudden sound broke the silence.

It was the first bell ringing.

At that precise moment, a man entered the classroom. When I first saw him, my initial impression was that he was a clumsy person. If I had to guess, I would have placed his age at twenty. He wore a white half-sleeved shirt with a loose red tie, and black pants with a gold trim at the seams. His hair seemed long, and he'd tied it into a low ponytail.

"Ahem, good morning to you, stu- hold on a minute, where are the rest of your classmates and why are you the only one present in my class?"

Huh? Was I hearing things or did he really ask me why I'm the only one present? Didn't he know that this class was solely meant for me?

"Uh, Sensei? I'm the only student who's assigned in this class since this class was solely meant for me. It was one of my father's wishes."

"Father? Wait, are you the son of that guy? Screw him! He threatened me to work as a teacher by the last second just when I was about to go to a trip to Hawaii! Man, just how wicked of a person can you be?"

"Yes, I'm his son. I'm Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you."

"Oh, I forgot about the instructions. I apologize for that. Good morning to you, shnookerdookies. My name is Glenn Radars. I usually slack off. Well, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your master, so I hope to get to know more about you since you're going to be my slave. It's a pleasure to meet you. The entrance ceremony will be in the gymnasium one hour from now, but first, I'll distribute written materials with information about this school's special rules. I will also hand out the admissions guide."

He passed me the familiar documents I'd received after being accepted.

This school differed from a multitude of other Japanese high schools in a few key ways. Here, all students were required to live in dormitories located on school grounds. Also, except for special cases, such as studying abroad, students were prohibited to contact anyone outside the school. Even contact with your immediate family was prohibited without sanction. Naturally, leaving school premises without permission was also strictly forbidden.

However, the campus also came equipped with many grandiose facilities. With its own mall, karaoke spot, theater, boutique, and more, you could easily compare this school to a small city. The campus spread over more than 600,000 square meters.

This school boasted another unique feature: the S System.

"I will now hand out your student ID card. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so on. It acts like a credit card. However, it is crucial that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. May it be a PS4, Xbox 360, or a deluxe golden underwear, as long as it is located on the school premises, it is available for purchase."

Interesting. It seems like the points, loaded onto my student ID card, acts as a kind of currency. The lack of paper money would prevent many students' financial problems.

"Your student card can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner. The method is simple, so don't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. Convenient, right? Normal students should have received 100,000 points already but since you're a special lad, you only get a tenth of it. Sucks to be you, shnookerdookies. Oh yeah, keep it in mind that one point is worth one yen. No further explanation should be necessary."

100,000 points. Even though this school is a prestigious institution ran by the Japanese government, giving away heaps amount of money to every student is still suspicious no matter how you look at it.

"Shocked aren't ya'? This school evaluates its students' talents. You're attending this prestigious institution, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however, all your points return to the school. Because, it's impossible to exchange your points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Once points are deposited into your account, it's up for you to decide on how to spend them. Do as you like. In the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from other students is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully."

Monitors bullying very carefully, huh. This teacher has been harassing me with his goofy nicknames and teases. Well, anyway, I now get the gist of things. It is as the saying goes, "You reap what you sow." It's all about merit and worth in the real world after all. You only deserve what you make yourself worthy of.

"Well, it appears you don't have any questions. I'll take this time to sleep then."

"Wait a minute Sensei, I have a bunch of questions that I'd like to ask you."

"Five. No, I meant three. I'll permit you to ask me three questions. I'll be ignoring other questions after that."

"I think that's a bit cruel, Sensei."

"You're more cruel for wasting my time. Come on, ask your questions now or I might change my mind y'know."

"Ah, I apologize. First, how many classes are there in every student body?"

"Four. Although, this one's an exception. There's five classes in the first year."

"I see. Second, are you seriously a teacher?"

"Yes, albeit lazy."

"Third, do you think someone can defeat me in this school?"

"Hmmmm, you have posed such an interesting question. A bit cocky, that's for sure. Well, who knows? But you know what? The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance. As far as I have been told, you're the masterpiece of that institution, a genius in all ways, both physically and mentally. You've been regarded as a monster by the people. The monster who could do feats that not any normal human beings are able to execute. But who said you're the only monster? The world is vast. As you delve into it more, you'll eventually seek the answer to your question. After all, it takes a monster to destroy a monster."


Author's Notes: It feels good to be back. I apologize for not publishing a new chapter during those 4-5 months. My circumstances didn't allow me and even up to now, I still can't use my desktop since our household still has no electricity so I made this chapter through my phone. It was honestly difficult. Man, typhoons suck >:( This chapter might not be as good as the other chapters but I'll try to at least make it readable. I couldn't use my trump card Grammarly after all. xD
That's all and wishing you a belated new year!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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