Vol. 1: Chapter 2.1 - Arrival

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It was just a normal day in the White Room, I was playing chess against Magnus Carlsen, a Norwegian chess grandmaster who was the current World Chess Champion, World Rapid Chess Champion, and World Blitz Chess Champion. As I moved my queen to Qf8, sweat started appearing on his forehead. I was planning to use my queen to checkmate him but then the man called me out through a speaker announcement.

"All I could say is that you're an exceptional player Ayanokouji-kun. You could easily earn the grandmaster title if you wanted to, but it seems like that man needs to discuss something with you." he said with worrying eyes.

"Yeah, I would love to spend more time playing against you. You were indeed a great opponent and I enjoyed our match but I don't really have that much of a choice but to listen to his orders."

"I see, it would be better if we could witness the endgame and the outcome of the match but it looks like we're going to end this up as a draw."

"Yeah, I do apologize for the unconcluded match but I'm looking forward to having a match with you again someday."

"I'll keep that in mind." We shook hands and finally parted ways with each other. A draw wasn't that bad, good for him though.

Honestly, I already knew the endgame and outcome of our chess match from the very beginning. I already have calculated all possible moves that he could perform and have thought of all possible counterattacks for it. No matter what strategy or tactics he will execute during that match, I'm certain that I will come out as the victor at the end. If I do beat him, do I become the new World Chess Champion? It sure feels good obtaining that title.

As guards escorted me to his office, I reminisced the scene of Magnus profusely sweating as I ignored his pawn and proceeded to push. He probably thought that I would fall for his antics but to his dismay, I am not one to fall for such obvious traps.

As the guards opened the door, A lone brown-haired man with his calculative gaze and sharp eyes could be seen sitting at the edge of the room. He dismissed the guards as he gazed at me with cold eyes to which I returned it. We both were gazing at each other as the atmosphere went tense. He soon broke the tension as he started speaking.

"Kiyotaka, this may be sudden of me but you will be departing soon as you will be spending three years at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. I personally want you to go there for I have ties with the person running that school and for you to cure your insatiable curiosity about the outside world. We will still be evaluating you as to how you will confront the multiple threats and conflicts that will be waiting for you despite only standing alone. This will test your resiliency and subtleness. Naturally, you will solely have a class for yourself. I have discussed matters about it with the chairman, albeit he was opposed to it, he reluctantly agreed at the end. Unleash the best of your abilities and don't ever waste them. That's all I have to say. Matsuo will be the one responsible for the school transportation. I don't want to burden the old man any longer so make sure to not waste any second."

"I understand." I bolted towards my room after leaving his office. I took a short bath, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair as it was only natural to practice proper grooming. After all those preparations, I went to where Matsuo was and surprisingly received a smile.

"Looks like Kiyotaka-sama is finally able to go outside. I hope you're going to enjoy your three years there. I would genuinely be happy if you could get a gorgeous girlfriend considering your handsome looks." He chuckled.

"I think you're being too kind. I do want a girlfriend since I am curious about this so-called thing called 'love' and how it feels like to be in love, it's just that, I have doubts about myself since I have such an apathetic expression and I pale at hotness." I replied.

"How dense can you be?" he muttered. I didn't know what he was talking about since it was near inaudible.

About my face, I do know that I'm hot enough. I just want to tease the old man. My intuition even tells me that my smile could instantly give me a harem of my own. I would also like to experience this so-called 'harem' so I might try to at least practice smiling when I arrive there.

I entered the black limousine that Matsuo was driving and we then departed from the White Room. The White Room was indeed a large facility. It was tall and wide. Even the walls outside were painted white. As we drew farther and farther away from the facility, I noticed a food kiosk with the words 'ice cream' inscribed on its sign. Ice cream, huh? I knew what ice cream was but never have I tasted one before. I might try to buy one when I arrive there. I might try cookies and cream since it is intriguing. All I know is that ice cream is all about balance. The base has to strike the right note between creamy and icy. The ratio of mix-ins must be just right. That's why cookies and cream was the perfect test case for my search for a superlative ice cream.

As I was enjoying the scenery, I was pondering whether or not I should go back to that sullied and boring place, after all, the outside world looks more appealing. As I was deep in thoughts, Matsuo poked me, indicating that I have arrived at my destination. As I got off the vehicle, I saw a gate formed from natural rock waiting just ahead. I was freely breathing the fresh air. Is this what you call freedom? Being free sure feels refreshing. As I was busy enjoying the bliss of being free, a man in his forties approached me and introduced himself to me.

"Hello, you must be Ayanokouji-sensei's...You're Kiyotaka-kun, are you not? It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." He held out his hand to which I shook with my dominant hand.

"I'm Chairman Sakayanagi and I run this prestigious school, my daughter will also be studying here and she knows your background since I brought her to the White Room some time ago. I hope you two could be good friends."

"I'd be happy to be friends with her." I gave him a smile to which he responded with a genuine smile.

"Your smile looks good on you, a killer smile if I may say so. I'm glad that you could still smile despite living in that harsh environment for 15 years."

I didn't smile because I was happy, nor I was angry, sad, or whatsoever. I just forced my zygomatic major muscles to contract, which lift the corners of the mouth resulting in a smile. There was actually nothing behind that smile of mine. A meaningless smile. A smile, devoid of emotions. A facade.

"Thank you." I responded.

"Here's the school uniform that you will be wearing starting tomorrow. Here's also the key to your dorm. You know, your father insisted on assigning you to a fifth class and you alone. I was pretty shocked to hear those words come out from his mouth. He even insisted on letting you come here prior to the entrance ceremony which happens tomorrow. Sensei seems to hold you in high regards."

"I apologize for that." I bowed down.

"No need to apologize Kiyotaka-kun, it's not much to worry about, the other teachers were shocked to their cores as to why we suddenly have a fifth class but luckily, they didn't delve deeper on the issue. It's also entertaining to see five classes fighting rather than four, wouldn't it?"

"I guess so." 

"I have matters to take care of so I'll be taking my leave, I apologize for the compendious company but do explore the school if you like to." He bid me farewell leaving me with such words.

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. This would be my school from now on.

Okay, stop for a moment. Take a deep breath. All right, here we go! 


Author's Notes: This is my second chapter so far, the third chapter will probably be published tomorrow but I do hope I could finish it on time. This chapter took a toll on me especially with how many hours I sleep. I would love it if you keep supporting this series despite all the grammatically wrong sentences and stuff. I may not be a perfect existence like Kouenji-kun but I'll try my best to fix my mistakes and stuff. That's all I have to say and yeah...have a good day!


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