Mixed feelings? chapter 18: The confession

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"...Kameron?!" spouts Lo in utter shock.
*Kameron takes out one of his earplugs.*
"Lo..? what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at school?" questions Kameron as he turns to face Lo.
"Kameron.. I'm here because I.." says Lo before she notices someone standing next to Kameron.
"Hey." says Kameron's friend Jay.
"H- hello.." replies Lo awkwardly.
"I'll go wait over there, alright?" says Jay before walking away from the bridge.
"Alright.. so I'm expelled huh?" says Kameron as he turns his head back to face Lo.
*Lo stays quiet and looks down.*
"You have no reason to be that sad about it, matter of fact.. I'm a bit embarrassed about it all." admits Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Why wouldn't I be sad..? he's leaving, and I didn't even.. I couldn't even say a proper goodbye yet. Is this even a.. goodbye?"
*Kameron smiles*
"Hey.. did you perhaps.. hear what I said earlier?" spouts Lo desperately.
"Hmm..? No, I don't think I did.. what did you say then-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"YOU DIDN'T HEAR ME...?" shouts Lo desperately.
*Lo notices his earplug*
"Y- you had them both in..?" asks Lo awkwardly.
"Right, yea.. sorry, I had them in until you called my name. I'll take the other one out too." says Kameron before taking it out of his ear.
"Ahaha.." mumbles Lo to herself in disbelief.
*Kameron looks back up from his phone to face Lo*
"What the hell..?" spouts Jay from a far distance.
*Kameron stares in utter confusion.*
"Did you tell me a joke, or something?" asks Kameron before letting out some nervous laughter.
*Lo exhales*
"No.. in other words, I'm just really happy right now." admits Lo.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "Her facial expression tells me quite the opposite."
"..And why is that?" questions Kameron as he puts his phone into his pocket.
"No reason." says Lo.
"Lo, sometimes I really wonder what you're thinking about in that head of yours. I'd pay to find out." spouts Kameron.
"I just really "wonder" why you're so.." mumbles Lo before letting out another sigh.
"..Calm?" replies Kameron.
"Yea, as you can see.. I'm quite jealous of it." admits Lo.
"..I'm the one that got expelled, Lo. You're my friend, I don't think i'd be able to live with myself if you were the one that got expelled instead of me. I'm the real cause of this and we both know that-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. this won't help. Apologizing won't help.. but I can't do anything else, I tried-" says Lo desperately before she gets cut off.
"You definitely did, but they had proof and there's nothing you can do about that.. and the last thing you'd have to do is apologize. So.. take it back." says Kameron awkwardly.
"Why..? it's my fault as well, I said I wouldn't let you get expelled and now.. here we are." spouts Lo depressingly.
"I had it coming, Lo. I just HAD to do that weird crap to you, every now and then. Payback is a bitch?" says Kameron before cracking a little smile.
"If.. If I had stopped you, it wouldn't have happened.." says Lo.
"Rudely said, you saying that disgusts me." says Kameron as he folds his arms.
*Lo stays quiet.*
"What did you come here for..? You should forget about me, Lo. I got myself expelled, it is what it is, there's nothing we can do it about it-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"I'm here because I care." says Lo almost immediately.
"..So you officially accepted my friend request, huh?" questions Kameron happily.
"No.." mumbles Lo.
*Kameron stays quiet*
"I- I.. got suspended for yelling at the teacher to shut up." says Lo.
*Kameron bursts into laughter.*
"..It seems like I got a bad influence on you, huh? I'm sorry for laughing, but I can't help it.. you being disrespectful? that's gold." spouts Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I was going to confess but I panicked.. also.. who is this Kam? This is a complete other version of him and slap me.. because I really like this Kameron."
"Hmm.. So, how long did you get suspended for?" asks Kameron.
"A week, I think.." says Lo.
"That's not too bad.. but I bet it's just because you're always so nice and quiet, I guess you're really the school's angel huh?" says Kameron politely.
*Lo stays quiet and stares*
"Oh.. and it means your summer vacation already started, huh? that's pretty chill." says Kameron before glancing at the sunset.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Jeez.. I'm so awkward.. but, this really might be the longest serious conversation we've had so far.. I- I- should confess but.. what if he rejec-"
"Did you perhaps come here to say a proper goodbye?" questions Kameron.
"Yes- G- goodbye..? N- NO, I came here because.." mumbles Lo awkwardly.
*Kameron stays quiet*
*Lo exhales.*
(Lo's thoughts;) "H- here goes nothing.."
"Can I see you again..?" questions Lo seriously.
*Kameron remains silent.*
"I- I just wanna keep seeing you.. is that so wrong?" spouts Lo awkwardly.
"Lo.. look, I want to keep seeing you too but-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"Just don't leave me, Kam.." mumbles Lo.
"W- what was that?" asks Kameron nervously.
*Lo tears up*
*Kameron sighs and places his hand on Lo's right shoulder*
"I- I.. don't know why you care about me so much, Lo..? Do you care? or do you just feel bad.. because you shouldn't-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"I WISH I COULD'VE TOLD YOU MUCH EARLIER WHY I GIVE SO MUCH OF A DAMN ABOUT YOU!" shouts Lo as she aggressively rubs her stingy eyes.
*Kameron stays quiet.*
"They're loud as hell.." mumbles Jay to himself before placing his earplugs back in.
"C- calm down, Lo.. I don't know what you're talking about but just.. calm down for now." spouts Kameron as he scoots in closer.
"I- I know.. just don't leave me. please." begs Lo as she scoots in closer as well.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "Has she always felt this way about me? Has she always been this caring for me..? the way she says my name, her confidence shines as bright as always but she cares and worries so much about me. It feels.. soothing.. and.. something I didn't know I needed until.."
"I won't leave." says Kameron as he goes in for a hug.
*Lo blushes and hugs back*
"I'll explain my feelings for you like this." says Lo before cupping Kameron's cheeks with her hands and goes in for a long lasting kiss.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" spouts Jay from a far distance.
"I'll accept you're gift like this." says Kameron.
*Kameron accepts the kiss and gently places his hands on her hips.*
*Lo shivers to Kameron's touch*
(Lo's thoughts;) "Our official first kiss.."
"My parents are going to disown me when I tell them.." admits Kameron after taking a step back.
"I- I LOVE YOU, KAMERON." shouts Lo nervously after grabbing hold of Kameron's shirt.
"Y- You.. what..? LOVE ME?" spouts Kameron in utter disbelief.
"DAMN.." shouts Jay as he yanks out his earplugs.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I- I DID IT.. I FINALLY DID IT. I CONFESSED!!"
"I- love you too, Lo." says Kameron nervously.
"Y- YOU DO..?!" Spouts Lo anxiously.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "What do I even do in a situation like this..? this feels so.. surreal."
"Then.. will we see each other again..?" says Lo as she scoots in closer.
"..We definitely will.." says Kameron before showing a wide smile.
"Is that a promise?" Asks Lo as she finally decides to look Kameron in the eyes.
"It's a promise." says Kameron as he lowers his head down for another kiss.
(Lo's thoughts;) "The first time I'm enjoying being speechless,."
"I'm so satisfied.." admits Lo as she wraps her arms around Kameron's neck.
"And why is that?" questions Kameron before showing a wide grin.
"..Because this is your first time kissing me back!" admits Lo loudly before giggling.
"You're a odd one, Lo.." says Kameron as he stares at the sunset. "Not in a bad way.." he adds.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "So, do me a favor and stay that way.."
*Lo smiles*
(Lo's thoughts;) "I guess I can say that we're boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?! EEK. I have to stop worrying about this, Kameron told me not to! so I won't!"
"In that case.. I believe it's better to be feared than loved." spouts Lo happily before glancing at the sunset.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "That was random.. what does she mean by that..?"
*Kameron stares and sighs*
"How do you feel for me, Lo..? How did you find out about your feelings?" questions Kameron anxiously.
"What..?" questions Lo as she scoots back.
"what does it feel like.." says Kameron.
"Be specific, what does what feel like..? Kameron..?" questions Lo.
"Love.." mumbles Kameron.
*2 weeks later, summer vacation..*
"And that was the last time I've seen him, Kailey.." mumbles Lo.

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