Mixed feelings chapter 41: Easier said than done

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*In school..*
"Aren't you going to buy me some chips?" questions Lo. "You owe me, y'know." she adds.
"Sure.. but, listen here." says Colt. "When do I get my first kiss or hug from you?" he adds.
"KISS..?!" spouts Lo. "Y- you're still in the friendzone, Colt.. so don't even think about it." she adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Hmm.. am I moving too fast?"
"I know, but.. since we're friends.. aren't we allowed to do at least, that?" questions Colt as he places a finger on his cheek.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "Of all people.."
"Ugh.." mumbles Lo. "Fine." she adds before giving Colt a hug.
"..That's it?" questions Colt before landing a quick kiss on Lo's cheek.
"..Colt." mumbles Lo in frustration.
"I'm sorry." says Colt as he rubs the back of his neck.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "..Yea, I definitely didn't see that wrong."
*In class..*
"Colt." spouts the teacher. "When will you actually start paying attention to my class without me having to tell you to do so?" he adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "As long as she's in the same room as I am.."
"It won't happen again." says Colt.
"That's what you always say.." mumbles the teacher.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I can't believe he just kissed me on my cheek.. WITHOUT GIVING ME A HEADS UP. I- I really didn't know how to react to that.. I hope no one saw it. I really don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.. and of course, to prevent rumors from happening.."
"Actually.. I'll start paying attention when that girl sitting two seats behind Kameron leaves." says Colt with a smirk on his face.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "There's no way that he doesn't realize how corny that sounded.."
"Funny.. anyways." says the teacher.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Odd.. Kam didn't say anything this time, nor did Gunner.. they'd normally make fun of him by now."
"The funny thing is that he actually didn't show up high to class for once." says Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Spoke too early.."
"Good one, Kam!" spouts Jay as he lets out some laughter.
"No offense." adds Kameron with a smirk on his face.
"None taken." says Colt almost immediately.
"Can you all shut the fuck up? ..the teacher is trying to continue." says Devon as he scoots up closer to his desk.
"Here we go.." mumbles Kailey.
"Not this again.." mumbles Lo to Kailey.
"You shut the fuck up, Devon." spouts Jay.
"I agree with the dumb ass on this one." says Gunner.
"Quiet down.." mumbles the teacher irritably. "You too, Devon." he adds.
"..HUH, WHAT DID I DO?" spouts Devon. "I TOLD THEM TO SHUT UP-" he adds as he gets cut off.
"No shouting either, you know that, Devon." says the teacher with an unbothered expression.
"What the fuck, man.." mumbles Devon with slumped shoulders.
"You know the drill, Devon. No cussing either." says the teacher.
"I'm not the only one that cussed..!" spouts Devon.
"I don't think he cares." says Ty.
"Now, I understand why you and Jay are related." says Gunner.
"Shut up, man." says Devon.
"Repeat that?" questions Gunner almost immediately.
"You guys are 'this' close to getting kicked out." says the teacher firmly. "For.. the rest of the year. Meaning, you won't have to come into this class again.. and that also means that you will fail this subject. Sounds like a blast, doesn't it.." he adds.
"Thank you for understanding.. and Kameron, this wouldn't have started if you didn't interrupt me with that manipulative joke." says the teacher.
"It wasn't supposed to be-" says Kameron as he gets cut off.
"So, next time keep your jokes and responses to yourself if they don't have anything to do with this class." says the teacher.
"It's the 21st century and we suddenly can't take jokes anymore?" questions Kameron.
"THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT TOO!" spouts Devon.
"I think I've already lectured you about screaming, Devon." says the teacher with folded arms.
"Yea.. right.. sorry." mumbles Devon.
(Devon's thoughts;) "My grades aren't looking too good already, I can't afford to fail this class.."
"Kam.." mumbles Lo.
"It was a joke." says Kameron.
"No jokes in my class, or when I'm at word." says the teacher. "This has also been going on for a couple of weeks now, so I would like to speak to you and Colt about this after class." adds the teacher firmly.
"I see.." says Kameron.
"Sorry for the hold up, students.. let's continue." says the teacher as he faces the whiteboard.
(Colt's thoughts;) "This is why I'm dropping out after I graduate.."
*After class..*
"I've got PE class." says Kameron as he scoots his chair towards his desk.
"He doesn't." says Colt. "Lying now..? ..that's new for you, isn't it." he adds.
"Has nobody ever told you that snitch get stitches?" questions Kameron.
"It's 2019." says Colt.
"What's your point?" questions Kameron.
"..Your hair's nappy." says Colt.
"Yours is too, man.. use your brain for once." says Kameron. "And, you didn't answer my question." he adds.
"Don't have to-" says Colt as he walks up to Kameron.
"Jeez, stop acting like a bunch of kids already.." says Lo. "Excuse me.." she adds before walking off.
"Mhm.. it was funny at first.. but it's getting kind of old now." says Kailey as she walks after Lo.
"Lo!..wait for me!" spouts Colt.
"She's already gone." says Kameron with a smirk growing on his face.
"I can see that." says Colt irritably followed by some silence.
"Hmm.. are you done?" questions the teacher. "Alright.. now that you've all said what needed to be said.." says the teacher as he lets out a deep sigh. "This problem has been going on for a couple of weeks now.. as I've already said.. and, I know that this technically isn't any of my business, but.. I do not want this to continue any longer.. it's bothering the other students." he adds.
"..So?" says Colt with an unbothered expression on his face.
"So, if I hear another comment or joke from the two of you, which have absolutely nothing to do with this class, you're out." say the teacher firmly. "For the rest of the year." he adds.
"Alright.. can I go?" questions Kameron recklessly. "Since, my PE class started 10 minutes ago." he adds.
"Mhm.. I hope you understood-" says the teacher as he gets cut off.
"I sure as hell did." says Kameron before walking off.
"Here we go again with the cussing.." mumbles the teacher. "Did you understand, Colt?" he adds as he folds his arms.
"Mhm, yea.." mumbles Colt as he watches Kameron exit the classroom.
"What was that?" questions the teacher.
"I said yea, I have.." says Colt.
"You can go now." says the teacher.
(The teacher's thoughts;) "It's always the same issue with these two.. every. single. day. I wouldn't be too surprised if all of this arguing would be because of a girl.. anyways, I deserve a pat on the shoulder for handling it so well again.. and a raise. But, that's out of the question.. fortunately."
*Back to Lo and Kailey..*
"It's crazy how they can continue to act like this.." says Lo.
"Isn't it obvious.. Kam's jealous of you and Colt." says Kailey.
"I don't get it.. why would he be jealous?" mumbles Lo. "I mean.. even if he was.. it's not like that at all. Colt and I are just friends." she adds.
"C'mon.. really? ..we both know that Colt doesn't want to be friends." says Kailey.
"..Huh? ..and you mean?" questions Lo.
"He's literally just waiting for your consent." admits Kailey.
"THAT'S NOT IT.. JUST STOP TALKING." spouts Lo hesitantly.
"..whatever." mumbles Kailey. "You'll have to tell the both of them the truth, Lo.. or I'll gladly do it for you." she adds.
(Lo's thoughts;) "That's easier said than done.."
"What if they get the wrong idea? ..they'll think that you're just toying with them." says Kailey hesitantly.
"But, I-" says Lo as she gets cut off.
(Lo's thoughts;) "..Huh? ..fight?"
"WHO'S FIGHTING AND WHERE?" spouts Kailey as she runs through the exit doors.
"You did that shit on purpose." says Kameron as he throws a punch at Colt.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST PUNCH ME FOR?" spouts Colt with anger as he throws a punch back. "..AND YOU MADE ME BLEED?" he adds.
"DON'T ACT AS IF YOU DIDN'T SEE ME STANDING THERE.." spouts Kameron as he punches Colt to the ground.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Oh god.."

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