A Warm Heart

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"Lisa. Would you do me a huge favour?" My friend James asked as I sat waiting for him I the lobby.
James was the manager of a four star hotel. We'd been friends since we were kids. We planned on going out to a movie, so I stopped by to meet him after work.
"We're going to be late." I teased. He always ran late.
"So do me this favour. I have a problem in the kitchen and the front desk is getting calls about weird running around the fifteenth floor. Would you go up for me?"
"And what about security's? I don't even work here." I laughed.
"Security is outside dealing with some girls. There's a big celeb here and I need to keep things under control. Please! You're so good at calming situations."
I sighed. "Give me a set of keys. Someone's probably locked out of a room."
"You're the best." He handed me a master key.
"And the popcorn is on you." I smiled and headed to the elevator.
A quick trip up and the doors opened to the fifteenth floor. I could hear knocking and a man's voice pleading. A room door opened and I looked at the person looking out
"Some crazy albino has been banging on the doors for 10 minutes."
"And you didn't think to help him out?" I asked almost scolding.
"He's a nut."
"Maybe he needed some help. Go back inside and be consumed with yourself."
"So rude!"
"Try compassion for a change."
The door closed. I smiled. "Enjoy your stay."
Walking around the corner, I spotted a man in the hall. Surprisingly, he was naked. And what a body. Obviously he had been locked out by mistake. He stood about six feet tall, very wide shoulders and back, toned arms and legs and a very nice ass.
"Excuse me? Do you need help?"
He stood up quickly. I could tell that he covered himself, by the movement of his arms. His hair, I notice was very light.
"Are you with the hotel?" His deep voice spoke.
"Kind of. Can I help you with anything?" I tried not to laugh.
"I was trying to get someone to call down to the front desk. I, ah, I set my dishes outside in the hall and the heavy door closed behind me."
"I figured."
"Do you have a towel or blanket? I'm kind of exposed here."
"How abut my jacket? I didn't expect to find anyone naked."
"Okay. That'll work."
"Just reach back and I'll hand it to you."
As he reached back, I removed my heavy winter jacket and placed it in his grip. I'd never seen anyone wrap themselves so fast.
"Thanks." He turned to face me.
"No trouble. Now which is your room."
"27. At the end of the hall."
"Let's go."
We walked through the soft carpeted hallways, to the end. This man looked familiar but I couldn't place his face.
"Are you in town for business or vacation?" I started a conversation to make him more comfortable.
"Business I guess. It's so cold here compared to California." He replied.
"You're from California! You should really dress more sensibly when you travel to Toronto in the winter. It gets cold up here."
"Yeah. I find that out."
"Actually, it's colder than normal. The weather's unusual this year."
"Just my luck. This is me."
"Let's get you inside."
I pulled out the key and slid it into the lock. Once it was opened, he ran inside.
"Thank you so much."
"A little advice. Next time leave the dishes for housekeeping." I laughed.
"I'll do that. Hang on. I'll give you your jacket back once I find my jeans." He ran to the bedroom.
I watched then looked around the suite. Large sitting area, desk and kitchenette in the main room. The were books, a laptop and cell phone on the coffee table.
"Here you are. Again, thank you for helping me." He came back out in dark jeans, no shirt and carrying my jacket.
His chest was just as wide as his back and developed. I was almost speechless at the sight of him.
"This is for you." His voice snapped me back.
I noticed that he held out some money.
"Ah, no." I shook my head. "No need for the tip. I don't work for the hotel. My friend is the manager. Asked me to come up. Security was outside and there was a kitchen problem."
"So you got me huh? Do you always go around helping strangers?"
"Only the one's that are naked. I'm going to go. Enjoy your stay."
"Wait!" He said as I turned to leave.
I stopped and looked up at his face. He had a strong jawline, pick lips and gorgeous blue eyes.
"I feel like I owe you something." He stepped closer. "Kindness should be rewarded."
I shrugged. "Like I said. I don't work for the hotel."
"Okay. How about I take you out...to dinner tomorrow night?"
"Come on. Don't make me beg." He smiled a wide, dorky grin.
I laughed again. "Okay. And if you want to I'll show you some interesting places around the city."
"It's a date. Thank you for you kindness...?"
"Oh, I'm Lisa." I reached out to shake his hand.
He placed his in mine and carefully pulled me closer. Those blue eyes burned into my mind. Slowly, he leaned down, covered my mouth with his and made my pulse quicken. It was deep and determined; soft and electric. That was a kiss I hadn't experienced in a long time. When he leaned back, I kept my eyes closed for another moment. I wanted to remember that feeling.
"So. I'll see you tomorrow. Let's say around five o'clock?" He suggested.
"Mmmhmmm. Sounds good." I fought to think of words.
"I'll meet you in the lobby."
"Okay. See you then." I turned to leave, almost in a daze.
"I'm Jared by the way." He told me.
"See you tomorrow Jared." I looked back when I got to the door,
He smiled back. It was a comfortable expression. Back downstairs, James met me at the front desk.
"How'd it go? Thank you for doing that." He blurted out quickly.
"It was fine. He was trying to get someone to call and get back into his room." I handed him the key, still thinking about that kiss.
A large man, in a blue jacket walked toward us.
"I heard there was a problem upstairs?" He was security.
"It's taken care of Charles. Have the girls left?" James asked him.
"Yes. Finally."
"Good. Mr. Leto can be undisturbed now."
The name made my head turn. "Mr. Leto?"
"Yeah. Jared Leto is at the hotel. In town for a movie I guess."
Those blue eyes and that smile. I knew it was familiar.
"Lisa? Are you ready to go?" James asked. "Are you okay?"
"Just fine. Oh and I have a date tomorrow so you'll have to entertain yourself." I smiled.
"Really?! Anyone I know?"
I thought about the resident's comment when I stepped of the elevator.
"Just the crazy, albino weirdo upstairs. He wanted to thank me for the help. After I told him I didn't work for the hotel, he insisted on having dinner?" I kidded.
"That's so unlike you. Having dinner with a stranger."
"That's what happens when you're nice to people."
"Come on. We'll be late and I owe you some popcorn."
I slipped on my jacket and we walked out of the hotel. My lips were still warm as we were hit by the cold air. Dinner, me and Jared Leto. I'd be smiling for a long time.

This was something that just came to me. Should I keep it as a one shot or keep writing more.
Please let me know.
Thanks for reading.

A WARM HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now