Chapter 17: Beginning To Recover

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Once I had breakfast, another check up and a conversation with the the doctor, Jamie and Pam came to pick me up. A short argument later, we stopped at my apartment, gathered a few items and we're off to the hotel. Jared had talked with Jamie and convinced him that it would be better if I stayed there. Easier to watch over me, while I got better. Pam found a drawer for my clothes, set out my things in the bathroom and went on about all of Jared's things. I gave her the Fan Girl moment. Jamie got me comfortable on the sofa, put my pain medication close by and ordered some snacks from the kitchen.
"Now we can talk." Pam sat at my feet.
"Did all the dogs get rescued?" I asked, my first chance to find out anything.
"Some got away. That's not what we should talk about."
"Well Jared spent most of the night at the hospital with me. Nothing happened except us talking."
"I don't even want to talk about Jared."
"That's a surprise." Jamie laughed at the comment, knowing how much she liked him and his movies.
"Come on Lisa. He was there. Daniel was there. You talked to him." Pam touched my leg carefully.
"Your brother?" Jamie sat in a chair next to us. "Holy shit."
I looked between them, waiting for an answer. I felt mixed emotions. Angry that he could be involved. Sadness that if lost him again.
"I always wondered if he was alright. Where he was, what he was doing." My eyes filled with tears. "All I could think of was how he kept me safe. He's my brother, and no matter what, I can't bring myself to hate him."
"Did you step between him and the police?"
"I don't know. There was a dog. I didn't want anyone hurt, animal or person."
"What did he say to you?" Jamie reached over to take my hand.
"He... He said that he ran things. That he had nowhere to go and no family. He's been alone. There wasn't much time."
"He's been alone?! He deserves to be in jail with what happened to you." Pam was annoyed that I was sympathetic to him.
"He never hurt me."
"But he didn't stop it!"
"Pam. Enough. This isn't the time." Jamie reasoned.
She looked at him. "You're right. I'm sorry Lisa."
I wiped my eyes. "I get what you're saying. I've always waited to know why. Why he let it happen?"
"Can we talk about something else?" Jamie asked. "This is too real for me."
"Movie?" Pam suggested.
I took a deep breath. "Sounds good."
We settled I , as the snack Jamie called for arrived. We had fresh salsa with corn chips, popcorn and lots of fresh veggies and plenty of water. After the movie, I had a nap while Jamie and Pam went to do their own things. I told them I'd be fine while they were out.

What felt like feathers, on my face, woke me up.
"Mmm. What time it it?" I wondered.
"Nine o'clock." Jared's voice answered.
"Are you finished for today?"
"I am. I had to come back to see you."
"I've been asleep."
"I figured. Pam and Jamie were here when I got back. Left some food, for when you woke up."
"Enough for two?" I sighed at the feeling his fingers.
"Probably. Want me to get you some?"
"I want you to keep doing what you're doing."
"You like is?" His voice sounded cheerful.
"Mmm yes."
"Want me to make you feel even better?"
I opened my eyes. The green hair was taking some getting used to, but at least he washed the makeup from his face. I focused on his eyes and reached up to touch his cheek.
"Don't tease me. I can't make any sudden movements." I traced his face carefully.
"You won't have to move at all." He leaned down and pressed his soft lips over mine.
"You've been working all day. You must be tired and hungry."
"I've got loads of energy. And, as you know, I don't sleep much. I always have work to do."
"And that's how you get sick."
"Lisa. All I've been thinking about is getting back to you, being here to take care of you."
"That must have made for lots of retakes on set. You should be remembering your lines." I smiled.
He shook his head, smiling back. "You just lay there comfortably and I'll do everything to make you feel a whole lot better."
"I can't argue with you. You're too stubborn."
"That's why I always win." His mouth covered mine again as his hand took hold of my cotton shirt and pulled it from my body.
Very carefully, his fingers moved down my body; neck, shoulders, sides then back to,my breasts. He took hold and massaged the soft flesh. I sighed deep, when his lips followed and pressed against my skin. Pulling down the cotton covering, he took in one nipple, then the other, in this mouth. While he worked me with those talented lips, his hand moved down over my hips, my thighs, to my warm, wet core. My hips lifted slightly as he stroked me.
"You feel so good. I've been dreaming of this moment." Jared paused, his breath hot over my lips.
"If this is a dream, don't wake me." I took in the way his fingers touched me.
"You're awake, and so am I."
He continued his exploration, kissing down my body, over my stomach, the skin of my I ever thighs. Moving my panties aside, Jared replaced his fingers with his soft lips. A few tender kisses, then he attached himself to me and thrust his tongue inside me.
"Oh Jared." I moaned.
He worked slowly at first, savoring me like a sweet dessert, then he began to devour my flesh like he hadn't eaten in days. I writhed around, my body responded and I couldn't hold still. The orgasm built to explosive heights and I nearly lost consciousness when Jared put me over the edge.
"How do you feel? He moved back to look down at me.
"Jared. I so wish I could make you feel this good." I reached up to place my hand behind his neck.
"All in time. Do you want some of the food Pam and Jamie left?"
"That would be a good idea."
"Let me just fix you up, even though you look beautiful this way." He adjusted my clothes and slipped my shirt back on.

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