Chapter 2. A Breakthrough At Work

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After the movie, I went home and made a list of things that I could show Jared around the city. Also chose some clothes to wear. It would be exciting to show him around. Even though he'd been around the world, I hoped that I could show him something different. Of course, I had to go to work first. That would keep me occupied until evening. It also gave me a chance to call some friends and get things rolling.
"Hey Lisa. Would you look at something for me?" My co-worker and friend Pam came into my makeshift office. It was more like a large closet but it had what I needed.
"Yeah sure. What's up?" I sat back and looked up.
She handed me a folder. It had a case that we'd been checking out and keeping a close eye on. We ran a non profit that took care of animal abuse cases. It was pretty well received by the city. We mostly watched puppy mills, dog fighting and serious cases of people hurting their pets. Most times we could rescue and find new homes for the animals, sometimes it was too late. That was when my heart broke.
"This is something I just received this morning." She explained.
"These are pictures of the old factory south of Toronto?" I looked at the half dozen photos.
Each picture showed dogs being lead into an old building by very angry owners. The dogs seemed to be calm enough. But I knew it was a rumored fight arena.
"Shit Pam! This is great! Everyone we knew about in every shot." I was excited.
"I know right." She smiled.
Pam loved her job. So much that she'd foster a lot of the animals we saved. Adopting more than she probably should,but she also had lots of land outside the city for them to run around. I helped her by buying food and toys for them. Seeing them become so happy and playful made me enjoy my work.
"Now all we need is someone inside to check things out." I reached for the phone.
"Already done. I called our secret weapon. She'll know hot to get it done."
"I pity those poor men. Great job Pam."
"Thank you fearless leader." She saluted playfully.
"Get out." I laughed.
The rest of the day went pretty routine, checking contacts, calling for follow ups. I never noticed time when I was close to the end of a case. This day, I kept an eye on the clock. I had to get home, change and go back to the hotel. I wanted lots of time to get myself prepared.
"Hey Pam! I'm leaving for the day!" I called out as I pulled on my fleece jacket.
"What? Are you feeling okay?" She was shocked. She knew how I was.
"I'm fine. I have to get home." I responded.
"What for?" She smiled playfully.
"None of your business." I sang back.
"Do you have a date? With someone other than James?"
"It's nothing really. Just showing someone around the city."
"When did you meet him?"
"At the hotel. Look I have to go. I'll discuss this later. See you tomorrow." I headed out to catch the subway home.

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