Chapter 27: Scared but Intrigued

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At Daniel's change in tone looked away cautiously. Someone had walked up behind my brother and stood still. I noticed black pants, white sneakers then a black hoodie pulled over their head. There was something unusual about them.
"'Who the Fuck am I'?" Emphasis on 'Fuck'. "Well I could be nobody or I could be that itch you just can't reach. It all depends on you doesn't it?"
That voice. Where had I heard it before?
"Okay. You're a freak. Just go away. We're busy." Daniel tried not to seem nervous.
"That's not very nice. Careful or I won't be nice either."
I looked closer, under the hood, seeing very light skin, red lips and bright white teeth. Oh god! Jared! It was Jared getting back from the set, still partially in costume. Probably rushing back for me.
"No don't! He'll hurt....." I was scared for him.
"Oh no honey. One of us will get hurt but I'm so sure it won't be me." Jared's head turned toward me.
His mouth was turned up at the corners in a smile that was disturbing but almost sexy. I thought of my night at the set and how he played the character right up until he showered back at the hotel.
"Listen. This is personal business, between me and my sister! Take a fuckin' walk!" Daniel was getting angry.
"'You're business' is getting in the way of my business. So maybe I'll step a little closer." Walking slowly, Jared closed the space between them.
Daniel backed up, lifted his hand and extended the switchblade toward Jared. It didn't seem to bother him.
"Oooo. Now this is getting fun." He laughed slightly.
I got so into watching him, that I forgot that Daniel was the threat.
"I'm going to count three, then there will be a big surprise."
"Are you fuckin' crazy? I'll cut you up!" Daniel began to fidget nervously.
"I'm not crazy. Are you reading? One..."
"Son of a bitch!" He tensed up.
Jared turned his head to look behind my brother. From curiousity, Daniel look and I did too. Nothing. Turning back it happened so fast. Just as Daniel faced Jared again, he never expected him to grab the knife and punch him so hard that he fell back, onto the sidewalk. I took a deep breath and focused on Jared.
"Are you okay?" I asked calmly.
Bringing his eyes to mine, I saw the intense character inside. He smiled and focused on me.
"I just perfect. My little princess needs protection." He was so mesmerizing.
"You shouldn't have done that."
"And why not?"
"Your fingerprints on the handle." I reminded.
Holding up his hand, he showed me what I hadn't noticed. "Gloves honey. Untraceable." He wiggled his fingers.
I reached into my pocket for my phone. "I have to call the police. Leave it and go inside."
"Like I'd leave you alone."
"If they find you here, you'll be questioned. The way you look now. Just go, I'll be there as son as this is done. He can't hurt me anymore. Go!"
"I'll wait for you." He looked at me, wanting to kiss me. I could tell but he needed deniability.
He left and I phoned the police. Daniel lay on the ground unconscious, as I waited for them to arrive. A police car and ambulance came ten mintes later. Luckily the officers where men I'd known from raids they'd helped me with. I explained what happened, leaving out that Jared was the person that knocked out Daniel.
"Can you describe the guy?" Peter, a man in his late 20s, blond, asked the required questions.
"He seemed to have some kind of costume on. Kind of unnerving." I said truthfully.
"Did he threaten you?"
"Just my brother. Who knows what would've happened otherwise."
The paramedics checked Daniel hen released him to the police. Peter and his partner handcuffed him, leading him to their car.
"Where'd he go?! Where'd that freaky dude go?!" Daniel panicked, looking around.
"You're under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon and unlawful abuse of animals. Do you understand these charges as they are given to you?" Peter held his arm.
"That dude! He hit me!"
"Do you understand the charges?"
"Yeah, sure. Okay."
"Goodbye Daniel. I'll see you at the trial then never again." A sense of calm washed over me.
"You did this to me!"
"No Daniel. You did it to yourself."
He was placed in the back seat of the car. Peter faced me before leaving.
"Well put in a cell tonight. You can come by in the morning to do the paperwork."
"Will you be okay?"
"Yeah. My friend manages the hotel. I'm going there now."
"Good you won't be alone. I'm glad that you weren't hurt."
"I'm glad he's finally caught. Goodnight Peter."
"Night Lisa. See you tomorrow morning." He touched my arm and walked back to the car with his partner.
I walked the rest of the way to the hotel, where James met in the lobby.
"What's going on? I heard sirens and then Jared rushed in."
"Daniel tried to attack me."
"What?! Are you okey?" He hugged me.
"I'm fine. I'll tell you everything later. I need to g upstairs."
"Oh. Okay. You know where I am."
"I do." I couldn't get to the elevator fast enough.

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