Chapter 3. Time To Meet

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Taking my time, I showered, brushed out my hair, did a subtle make up job and got dressed. I chose black jeans, a red shirt, burgundy fleece sweater and faux leather black boots. Wrapping in a cream colored scarf and hat then a short lined jacket, I was out the door and off to the hotel. I arrived ten minutes before I had to meet Jared. James, who was out of his office, saw me walk in.
"Hey. Were we doing so thing that I forgot?" He asked coming over.
"I told you that I was having dinner tonight. So happy you pay attention." I laughed knowing he was busy.
"Oh yeah. Sorry. How was your day?"
"Good. Things are looking up."
"You got a new lead?"
"I don't want to say too much. We'll see how things go."
The elevator bell sounded. I looked over. Five people stepped out, then Jared behind them. He was wearing but jeans, a white sweater, boots that were fur lined (surely fake) and a jacket with a lined oversized hood. He kind of looked ready for an arctic expedition then time out in a city. A pair of sunglasses rested over his light hair. Once he saw me, he nodded and walked over smiling.
"Think you'll be warm enough?" I kidded.
"I hope so. Last time I was here it was still summer." He shrugged.
I tried to see James' expression. He didn't expect Jared to be who I was meeting.
"Oh. This is James. He's a good friend and manages the hotel." I introduced.
Jared extended his hand. "Nice to meet you. I love this place. It's quiet enough to get things done."
"Very happy that you're enjoying your stay. If you need anything Mr. Leto, don't hesitate to call." James was all professional.
"Down boy." I told him. "You ready?" I asked Jared.
"Yeah. There's a vegan place not far, if that's okay with you." He started to zipper his jacket.
"If you're talking Starkey's, I know it well. Come on Cali Boy. Let's get to climatized."
"You're vegan?!" He seemed surprised.
"Couldn't do my job if I wasn't."
"Lisa. Can I talk to you before you go?" James grabbed my arm.
"Sure. Be right back."
James pulled me toward the front desk. "You're having dinner with Jared Leto?"
"Sure. He asked when I let him into his room last night."
"That was him?"
"It was. Don't worry about it. If he enjoys himself he'll come back to stay again. I'm a big girl James. Mr. Rock Star is not going to be a hang up for me."
"Enough. I'm just being a good Canadian. Showing a tourist around and being friendly. I'll call you later." I slapped his cheek playfully and walked away.
"Am I stepping on some toes?" Jared wondered when I stepped up.
I shook my head. "I work a lot and don't go out much. He's just protective."
"Okay. As long as this is good."
"After we have dinner, I have a surprise. If it's okay with you?"
"You're in my country now. I have to give you a taste of the culture."
"Sounds intriguing. I'm in."
"Let's go." I pulled up his hood and lead him outside.
It was unusually cold and windy (to make it worse). Jared moaned, shocked at the temperature. I laughed and pulled him along. The restaurant was a short block away.

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