Chapter 16: Surprise Reunion

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I had a dream that I was laying in a field of soft, green grass on a sunny day. The heat was soothing as I listened to song birds sing in a beautiful tune. My fingers moved through the blades of grass, keeping me calm and happy. The songs birds got louder, beginning to form words that I couldn't really hear, but knew that they were soothing. The sun got brighter, starting to hurt my eyes until I blinked repeatedly.
The mew handicap noises filled my hearing. The hospital room. I also heard the song, and my fingers were touching something soft. It was like the blades of grass from my dream. I stroked them slowly and sighed. Suddenly the softness was gone and a hand took mine,
"Lisa?" A quiet voice spoke. "Are you there my sweet?"
"Hmmm." I turned toward the voice, struggling to open my eyes.
When I finally focused, all I could see were a pair of sky blue eyes and short green hair. It was a shock, scaring me at the unfamiliar sight. My reaction was to try and get away but the pain in my body prevented it.
"Lisa! Lisa, it's just me. It's all okay." He held my hand and tried to calm me.
Taking another look, I recognized the face and voice. The sudden movements made my injuries throb. I moaned.
"Jared? What the hell?" I settled back onto the bed.
"Sorry. I had to go to the set before I called your office. Once I heard what happened, I came right here." He explained.
His light hair had been dyed bright green, which made his eyes and face seem almost ghostly. He touched my cheek softly. "Are you alright? You look like you're in a lot of pain."
"I am now." I tried not to get angry. "Were you singing?"
"Yeah." He smiled. "I was trying to keep myself calm."
"Whatever it was sounded beautiful."
"You heard me?"
"I was dreaming. About green grass and songbirds."
He laughed. "Guess I fit that. But really, are you okay?"
"I think so. I was attacked be a dog and stepped in front of a bullit?" I questioned my memory.
"Pam told me. Why did you do that?" He sat on the bed next to me.
"I'm not sure. What day is it? I don't know how long I've been sleeping."
"It's Friday, about four o'clock."
"You just got back. You must be tired. I'm glad that you're feeling better." I reached for his hand.
"I am. Now I can take care of you." He pulled my fingers to his lips.
"You have a movie."
"When you're able to, you're coming with me. I want to keep an eye on you."
"You can't do that."
"Why not?"
"You do what you're here to and come by when you're done. Besides Pam and Jamie have already claimed the nursemaid spots."
"But I can help out."
"All I want from you is your wonderful company. And once I feel up to it, maybe you can show off that yummy body of yours." I tried to flirt.
His eyes lit up. "Aw Honey. I will show you anything you want to see."
He leaned over to press his lips to mine. It was careful, soft but still electric.
"Can I get you something?" He asked close to my face.
"Some water and maybe something to eat?"
"I'll get the water and go see what I can find for you to eat."
"You're a prince."
"And you are my Snow Princess."
"It's getting warmer."
He kissed me again. "Be right back."
After I finished the bowl of warm oatmeal (blah) and two glasses of water, Jared climbed into the bed carefully, just to hold me. His tender touch made me forget that probably looked like Frankenstein, with all the cuts and scratches on my face.
"When do you get out of the hospital?" He wondered.
"Really have no idea. I've been asleep for the better part of three days. I have to see what the doctor says." I loved the feel of his touch.
"You should stay at the hotel with me. That way your friends can still take care of you and I'll have you with me when I get back from the set."
"That's very tempting."
"Or I can come to your place." His breath moved over my neck.
"You're very pushy aren't you." I smiled.
"I can be."
"I'm happy that you're here."
"So. How are you feeling today?" An official voice entered the room.
Peaking over Jared's shoulder, I saw the doctor walk in. Jared sat up.
"She may be awake, but surely not healthy enough for that yet." The doctor joked dryly.
Coming over, he looked at the monitors, wrote notes and focused on me.
"Doctor, this is Jared." I introduced.
"Nice to meet you. Nice hair." He was monotone.
"It's for a role." Jared ran his fingers over his head.
"Doesn't matter. Let's check you out. All of your vitals look good. Your boyfriend kept you calm. And you've eaten I see."
"If you want to call that food." I commented about the oatmeal.
"Let's check that wound."
"Should I step out?" Jared wondered.
"Do you faint?"
"Uh no."
"You're fine. Let's move this out of the way." The doctor peeled back the hospital gown from my left side, untaped the bandage and revealed a mark larger than I imagined.
"Shit!" Jared's arms swung up to his head, hands behind his neck.
"It looks worse than it is. Mostly bruising." He reassured and touched it lightly. "Still tender but the stitching looks good. I'll put on a clean bandage and that's it."
"When can she go home?"
"Probably tomorrow. Will you be taking care of her?"
"One of many." I flinched as he pressed the tape back on my skin.
"Well I'll give you instructions on how to care for this and your leg."
"Thank you doctor."
"And for you." He reached into the pocket of his white coat, pulling out a card.
"What's this?" Jared took it.
"My list of instructions for the boyfriends. Goodnight to you both." He left as abruptly as he came in.
Jared read the card, smiled and started laughing loud.
"What does it say?" I pulled the blanket over my legs.
"Here I am thinking. That he's being strict. That's a cool doctor." Jared came over and sat beside me.
"He seemed normal enough."
"Read this."
Taking the car, I read it to myself.
"I bet he has a happy wife." Jared observed.
"I'm sure." It was very original.
"Now what can I do for you? I can't carry you yet. That leaves me 2, 3 and 5."
"I don't need anything. Tell me about the last show. And you're trip back."
"Really? You want to heat all that?"
"Actually. All I want to hear is your voice, so you might as well talk about that."
"Your wish is my command."
He took my hand, held it on his leg and began to tell me what he did and saw. Visiting hours ended at nine thirty. Jared didn't leave until ten. He wanted to stay but I told him that I'd just be sleeping and he had work. I'd see him after I left the hospital.

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