solar system

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Mundane drips of lava quickly became repetitive to Dream. The same sizzles and pops continuously looping for hours on end became both like a symphony of repeating music and chords and a mind numbing bang, reminding him he'd never escape the cold dark room he was in.

Never escape the prison he helped build, which he was now stuck in. The room he planned to stick his biggest pain in the ass in was now where he'd permanently reside until he was needed to word vomit information on reincarnation. Although, it never was meant for Tommy, was it? He'd reminisced on his initial ideas of Ranboo helplessly being trapped inside walls, forced to suffer his same fate of insanity, for crimes he did not commit, or of slamming Tubbo behind traps and torture, forcing his best friend to scream and pull every lever insight to try and get him away.

But no, instead it was himself, endlessly turning his clock and scribbling down anything he could in his books, with the steady beat of lava flowing over him, the same repeating rhythm.

Which is why it was extremely obvious when the sizzling had taken a new turn, and he heard gears shift from the other side of his cage.

He stood up, boots cracking on the obsidian beneath him, facing out towards the molten liquid in front of him. The dark pull at his lips remained as he awaited a tall blonde obnoxiously laughing at him from across the moving platform, ready for another day of mocking. He'd grown tired of the daily visits from the little weasel, imitating his own gaslighting attempts and manipulation tactics. A tanned hand ran flush through his hair, aching to pull at the roots just to feel something. Dull green eyes flickered upwards watching the lava achingly pull down until he could see just a smidge of the other side.

Except, blonde curls weren't peaking at the top. His eyebrows furrowed, mouth turning sour as he strained his eyes to see harder. Normally at this point, with Tommy's significant height, he'd be able to make out some of him at this point in drainage. In fact, he should've been able to see Sam watching in the distance at this point too, as they were roughly the same height. Neither figure formed.

It was when a brown tuft of curls began to take shape that Dream felt the color completely drain from his face.

His long legs weren't stable anymore, as he stumbled backward against the opposite wall, obsidian burning his back as he slapped against it. Dream's eyes were darting everywhere, as his hand raised again through his hair yet again. Burning, burning, burning, burning, burning-

He hadn't noticed the lava had finally fallen, and the angel in front of him was pulling levers. Pillars of cobblestone shot from the bottom of the pit as he gingerly jumped closer and closer to his once best friend. As quick as they arose, they sunk just as the sneaker on his foot left the final platform. Lava flew freely again.

The hood of his blue cloak was pulled down, and it was as though Dream had forgotten what breathing was.

"George?" Came his whispered response.

The brunette's goggles were on, covering his eyes (oh his eyes ) from being exposed. George was smart. He knew Dream could read him like a book if he wanted, page by page ripping his being apart all through his eyes. So he chose to not let him in.

"You told me how to get in,"

Dream's world was spinning, as just the words flowing from the man's mouth seemed like a melody, one he'd never fully escape from, and one he'd often become intoxicated by.


"Sam doesn't know. You said it'd be important I knew some things he didn't,"

There is no way this was real, right?

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