button-downs and seashells

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Look, it wasn't that George hated kids, he just had a mild dislike of constantly having the burden of taking care of a tiny human being. It in all honesty scared him to death, and he never really thought of adopting kids with whatever future partner would be for the sole reason of the terror that would come with it.

This made his job as a daycare receptionist very ironic and also extremely hilarious.

George was in college struggling to get by and was desperate for some sort of steady income to keep him afloat, so when his best friend Sapnap offered him a clerk position at his boyfriend's daycare center the brunette was in no place to deny it.

At least he didn't have to work with the kids, he just had to manage insane parents and the occasional kid with a fever or minor bleeding. It was a decently nice job, bringing his textbooks to do schoolwork in his off time when things were slow, and having easy access to a personal Keurig and microwave were also nice perks.

It was especially nice that Karl was working with him, and Sapnap lingering as well either helping or following his boyfriend like a dog. The good thing about the daycare was that they had to keep PDA to a minimum almost always.

Overall, he was getting paid just above minimum wage which was enough to get by, and was satisfied with the position. He genuinely had very few distractions, too.

Well, until he didn't.

George was working the afternoon to evening shift that day, Sapnap opting to take over the morning shift because he knew the brunette had been overworking himself before finals hit.

As much as he appreciated the help, it was more of a nuisance than anything as his friend had a habit of messing and toying with things only to not put them back where they were originally.

He was mindlessly drumming his fingers against his laptop waiting for his emails to load properly when a bouncy brunette laid his arms folded across the counter.

"You look exhausted, why are you even here?" Karl mumbled, flicking the shorter's forehead and ruffling his hair. George swatted him away a blinked a few times before giving a soft laugh.

"I'm a little tired, but it's not a huge deal. I mean, Sap was nice enough to take over in the morning anyways, too."

Karl laughed, hand moving to pick a water bottle out of their pack behind George's seat.

"Still, you're gonna kill yourself through overexertion. You know breaks are okay, right?"

The brunette rolled his eyes, hands patting around his desk for the blue pen he always had with him.

"I'm fine, but you know what isn't? Sapnap messing with all my fucking stuff-"

"-That's an odd name, isn't it?" A soft voice came through the front door, the little bell at the top making small chimes as it was closed.

George had to resist the urge to let his jaw drop open at the sight before him.

A tall man with messy dirty blonde hair, face splattered with freckles that looked like stars, and eyes he assumed was green ( god why was he coloblind?) came striding in with a sheepish smile on his face. He wore a white button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black slacks that made George literally want to fall to his knees at the sight.

Literally, he didn't care what he did as long as the handsome stranger was telling him to.

Okay, he is literally a dad, mind out of the gutter.

Karl gave a soft snicker, picking up on the brunette's fidgeting fingers, and spoke in a sickly sweet voice.

"It's a nickname I gave my partner. Kinda like 'pandas' but backward?"

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