[21] Demetri's Soul Mate

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(Scarlett's POV)

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(Scarlett's POV)

      I slowly woke up to someone talking. I could make out Alec's voice as well as Didyme's voice. I couldn't tell what they were talking about though because they were speaking in Latin. I opened my eyes and sat up a little.

      "Oh you woke her up Alec." Didyme said walking over to me and Alec huffed then rolled his eyes.
   "Where's Demetri?" I asked wondering what time it was, "and what time is it?"

          "Five in the morning." Alec replied while leaning against the wall. I thought Marcus was going to get me when they all got back; and where is Demetri?

       "Where is Demetri?" I asked again, but didn't get an answer right away. I was about to ask again, but Alec picked me up bridal style and started to walk out of the room.    

  "Come and visit us again dear Scarlett." Didyme said giving me a smile, but her eyes held worry. What's going on? Alec was half way down the hall to Demetri's room when I started to struggle in his hold.
            "Stop moving." He hissed.

            "Where's Demetri?" I demanded, "what's going on Alec? Put me down and give me an answer!"

"Demetri is in the infirmary." Alec responded flatly his eyes held nothing but worry.

"W-What happened?" I asked.

     "A wolf hurt him badly and he's unconscious now."

   "Vampires can lose consciousness?" I asked dumbfounded.

" Children of the moon have poison in their teeth that can render vampires unconsciousness."       

"But he'll be alright though," I said worried, "right?" Alec didn't respond and I started to panic.  

            "Put me down Alec!" I said again struggling in his hold, "I want to see Demetri."

"You'll only be in the way." He hissed his hold on me tightening.

            "I don't care I want to see him."

  "He's unconscious," Alec growled, "stop being a pain."

  "Please Alec." I begged as he walked into Demetri's room. Alec set me on the bed and huffed.

            "I will ask Aro," he said, "now go back to bed." With that he left and I just sat there looking at the door. How am I supposed to sleep now?

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