[40] Demetri's Soul Mate

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War is unpredictable

            Aro paced back and for as he listened told his brothers what Demetri and Felix discovered in Russia

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            Aro paced back and for as he listened told his brothers what Demetri and Felix discovered in Russia. Demetri stood next to his best friend, Felix, as he waited for the Ancients to come to a decision. Finally, Aro and his brother decided and Demetri knew he would have to find a safe place for Scarlett.

  Demetri stood in a private study known only to a few in the Volturi. The room was quiet as he looked out at the city thinking about what he was going to do now.

(Scarlett's POV)
~One Month Later~

            I sat curled up in the passenger seat of Demetri's black Ferrari watching the trees pass by as he sped down a never ending road. We left Italy a week ago, but he wouldn't tell me where we were going. At the beginning of the month he left for a couple days and returned telling me to pack my things in boxes. I did as he said and the next day he sent all my things away. For the rest of the month he wouldn't tell me what was going on.

            I did know that a large coven in Russia had been creating an army in secret and the entire Volturi are in a panic due to the unexpected threat. Demetri avoided talking about it for this past month, but gossip travels around the castle quickly and the news that reached my ears a day before we left frightened me.

            The Volturi are going to war.

            I let out a long sigh and in the next second felt Demetri grab my hand. I turned my gaze to him and our eyes met. He gave me a soft, warm smile before looking back at the road. I wanted to talk to him; to ask him what was going to happen, but I was afraid of his answer.

            "I have to leave again," What Demetri said a month ago floated to my mind, "and this time I may not come back."

            As the sun started to set my eyes landed on a long modern driveway in the middle of the forest. Demetri's hand squeezed mine making my nerves increase. Where are we going? Another five minutes went by before a large white mansion came into view. Demetri parked the car right by the front entrance and got out. In a second my door was opened and Demetri was holding his hand out to me.

            "Where are we?" I asked while grabbing his hand and he shut the door then led me up to the door. He knocked on the door then turned to me with a sad look in his eyes.

            "You'll be safe here Scarlett so please don't cause trouble," he said quietly, "It took a lot to get them to agree to keep you safe."

            "Who?" I asked in confusion and the door opened to reveal Vladimir and Stefan. My eyes widened and I looked at Demetri again. He gave my hand another squeeze before letting go and placing a hand on my back and giving me a small push towards the two ancient vampires.

            "Don't cause trouble," he said quietly giving me one last kiss then looked at the Romanians, "Please keep her safe." With that he quickly turned on his heel and before I could react his car was disappearing into the woods.

            "Demetri!" I yelled getting ready to run but an arm wrapped around my waist. I looked behind me to see Stefan shake his head as he pulled me inside.

            "You show her around." Vladimir said before disappearing. His comment made me stop struggling against Stefan and look around. The entryway of the mansion was not what I expected. It was so bright and open and very modern looking.

            "Were you expecting Dracula's castle?" Stefan asked in a slightly amused tone as he released his hold on me.

            "Um," I replied while biting my lip, "kind of." Stefan chuckled making me look at him.

            "I wasn't expecting such an honest answer," he said, "come on I'll show you around." He showed me around the house telling me where I could go and where I couldn't. I was allowed everywhere except their rooms and Vladimir's study.

            "Your room," Stefan said stopping at a room at the end of a hall, "your things from Volterra are inside so you can unpack them how you'd like." He opened the door and I felt my jaw hit the ground at the sight of the luxury room I now stood in. An amazing luxurious room with a very modern day look that still had an ancient feel to it was revealed to me.

            "Um...thanks." I said not knowing what else to say, "but isn't this a little bit extreme?"

            "Women deserve the best," Stefan said, "it would be rude to let you stay in anything less than this." With that he nodded to me and shut the door. After a moment I sighed and walked over to the boxes that were sitting against the wall. It took me three hours to arrange my things and when I was done I stood in the middle of the room to admire my work; then reality came crashing down on me.

            Demetri is gone and I may never see him again.

            Slowly I sank to the floor as my eyes glazed over with tears that will never flow. I tried to stop the dry sobs from escaping, but after a few minutes I gave in and sobbed in the middle of my new room. My heart felt like someone stabbed me with a knife and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the pain.

            'I'm all alone now.' I thought as I looked around again. Alec will not come to keep me company anymore. Jane won't randomly appear and give me the latest gossip. I won't be dragged off by Heidi to go shopping or forced by Felix to play video games. I can no longer go to Aro or Marcus when I'm lost and need advice; Caius scolding me and constant history lessons are even missed now.

            And the Cullens; Demetri told me that I couldn't live with them because it could put them in danger since I'm his mate. So I can't even look forward to Jasper's calming gift and the support of the rest of my friends and family in Forks. My sobs returned as I curled up on my side still laying on the floor. My heartache and loneliness consumed me. Suddenly I felt arms wrapping around me, a gust of wind, and in the next second I was in a cushioned rocking chair sitting in someone's lap. I blinked a couple time before I looked up to see the person was Stefan. I buried my face in his chest and continued to sob as he rocked me back and forth like a baby. Eventually I calmed down and finally found my words.

            "Will he come back?" I asked lowly knowing he could still hear me.

            "War is unpredictable," he said, "even in our world the outcome is unknown."

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