[45] Demetri's Soul Mate

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(Scarlett's POV)

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(Scarlett's POV)

            "I'm worried about Isabel and Alec." I muttered while looking out the window. I could clearly see the two in the garden; Isabel looking like a deer caught in headlights.

            "Alec isn't the best with people," Demetri said, "His human past is the cause of that."

            "Isabel is a very fun person," I replied, "I'm sure he could have so much fun with her if he wasn't so stubborn."

            "Hmm," Demetri muttered, "well give me a minute." With that he left the room and a few seconds later I watched him pull Alec aside and say something. Whatever Demetri said to Alec annoyed him because Alec started arguing with Demetri. After a few minutes it looked like Alec relented and walked over to Isabel then led her to the garage.

            "There you go." Demetri said as he entered the room.

            "What was that about?" I asked and Demetri smirked.

            "Alec is taking Isabel to the amusement park outside of town."

(Isabel's POV)

            "So umm where are we going?" I asked as I sat in the passenger seat of Alec's car.

            "Scarlett told me to take you to the amusement park."

            "Wow really!" I yelped bouncing in my seat. Alec gave me a brief annoyed glare before returning his attention to the road and letting out a frustrated sigh. 

            "Here," Alec said handing me a contact case, "put these on before we get out of the car."

            "Ok." I said and put on the very uncomfortable contacts. Alec bought our tickets and I followed him into the amusement park with a map in hand.

            "Oh that ride looks fun!" I said pointing to a rollercoaster.

            "You are such a child." He growled under his breath and I rolled my eyes. I wasn't about to let Alec's grumpy attitude ruin my fun.

            "Come on!" I said pulling him along.

            "That was fun!" I smiled while combing my hair with my fingers after we got off a rollercoaster.

            "We've been here all day," he complained, "let's just go." I looked up at Alec; his hair was all messy and his cloths wrinkled from all the rides I've forced him on. I couldn't help but thinking how hot he looks.

            "No way," I replied, "there's still so much to do! Let's go on that ride again." I started walking towards the line but he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction.

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