Chapter 7: What Now?

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A million thoughts, questions, and ideas exploded like fireworks through your head. Was this some kind of twisted prank Phil was playing on you? Was this just another one of Tommy's bits for the video? And if it wasn't, how did Phil even know that Tommy liked you? Was Tommy feeling the same way you felt right now? Was he happy? Confused? Disgusted? Did he actually really like you....?

9:59...9:58...9:57...The big red timer began to count down in the corner of your screen. And it was absolutely the last thing on your mind.

You were feeling very overwhelmed and nervous, so you turned off your face cam for a moment to collect yourself.

"Y/n? Wait, sh!t I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable-" Tommy sounded frantic through your headphones. You glanced over at the Discord tab on your computer and were surprised to see that it looked like he was about to cry. Tommy had never cried in front of you, or anyone that you knew of for that matter. He always made jokes about being a big man who never ever cried, but that probably wasn't true, and you didn't like that he always held it in. So when you saw him with red eyes and a desperate look on his face, you could tell he was obviously quite upset. You realized there was only one way to fix things fast.

"No, no, no, it's ok Tommy, I'm happy!" you said, rushing to turn your camera back on. "Look, I'm smiling!"

He looked over at you and his expression softened, and he began to look relieved. "Oh thank f^ck," he muttered, and his voice sounded more like the way he usually spoke than it had before. You smiled nervously at him, but you couldn't make eye contact for longer than a second. Tommy shifted nervously in his seat.

"So..." he started to say, but then trailed off. The uncomfortable silence from his end traveled through the screen and left you with an icky feeling in the pit of your stomach. Tommy cleared his throat and tried again. "So, like me too?"

That 'too' gave you hope. That 'too' gave you courage to finally say the thing that you had known for weeks, almost months, but had hardly been able to admit to yourself just a few days ago.

"Yeah, I do," you said softly, and watched as Tommy broke into a huge grin. His smile was like the sun, shining on you and providing you with the most comfortable warmth even though it was through a screen. "But Tommy, this isn't a joke right? It's not just another bit for the video?"

"Oh my god, no," Tommy shook his head. "I have a crush on you too y/n! I told Phil last night but I was really scared to tell you. I was worried that you would never like me back and I didn't want to ruin our friendship-"

"That's how I felt too!" you exclaimed, interrupting him. He kept on grinning and you kept on basking in the warmth his smile provided.

"Well, I guess Phil solved my problem of how I was supposed to tell you," Tommy continued. "But how did he know that you liked me?"

"I told him yesterday too," you admitted. "I needed advice and he's the only adult I can trust."

"Phil, what the hell man," Tommy's voice got lower. "That sneaky bastard works fast as f^ck, and yet I can't be mad at him..."

You giggled and Tommy laughed at the ridiculous situation. It was insane how things had worked out and Phil definitely had some explaining to do, but you felt like you were on top of the world. The boy you liked, who was your best friend, liked you back!

"So, uh y/n, I guess this means," Tommy was almost whispering, and you were surprised that he sounded shy for once in his life. "What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfrie-OH NO HOLY SH!T!" his tone completely shifted as he screamed loudly.

"What's wrong?" you asked, concerned.

"The- the timer," Tommy stammered, and you glanced up, finally noticing the big red numbers in the corner of your screen right as they jumped from 0:01 to 0:00.

You died!
the red message popped up on your screen as Tommy cursed loudly.

"Oh no," you said, disappointed and a little worried. You knew for a fact that above anything else, Tommy hated losing. Especially when he was doing challenge videos for his channel. "I'm sorry Tommy, I didn't mean to distract-"

"No, it's ok," Tommy said. "It's not your fault, or my fault, or anyone's fault really. Except for Phil's. But we were talking about something super important. Phil, on the other hand, that motherf^cker, if he hadn't sprung this on us right now, maybe we could've won. And yet somehow I'm still not that angry."

"Ok," you said, still a bit disappointed yourself that the whole challenge had been lost. But the overwhelming excitement that continued to sweep over you in waves was well worth it.

"As I was saying before," Tommy's voice got shy again. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" you said happily, as you and Tommy exchanged bright smiles from across your screens. Suddenly, you heard the noise of someone else unmuting in the vc.

"Well, well, well," Phil said with a smug grin plastered across his face. "Looks like my little plan worked out."

"Oi! You little b!tch!" Tommy yelled at Phil. "We lost the challenge because of you!"

"Calm down mate," Phil laughed. "You lost the game but you gained something much better. And come to think about it, this will make for great content!"

You realized he was right. Tommy had probably been recording on OBS the whole time. You could just see it now: "Minecraft, But I Have A Girlfriend..." or something like that.

"How long were you listening to our conversation?" you demanded, eying Phil suspiciously. Even though you trusted him, you were embarrassed that he had potentially heard your private conversation with Tommy. You also weren't sure if you should be annoyed at him, or grateful. And yet you couldn't be mad because he had somehow worked things out for you.

"Not too long, don't worry y/n," Phil replied, still with that dumb expression on his face. He looked absolutely giddy. You were sure he was very proud of himself.

"Listen old man, you may have gotten me a girlfriend but you made me lose this challenge! I won't forget this," Tommy threatened, half joking, half serious.

"Sure, whatever you say mate," Phil couldn't stop laughing. "I'm just glad it all worked out."

"Me too," you chimed in.

"Me three," Tommy muttered, but you could see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

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