A new servant

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(( Since there was such a demand for more stories about Resident Evil Village, I thought I'd listen to the people^^  This story is however separate from my other RE Village stories about Lady Dimitrescu and Ethan Winters, it's a standalone book and not related at all. Enjoy! ))

Carpathian mountains, Transilvania

November, 1956

Political officer Alexander Petrov rubbed his gloved hands to warm himself up a little bit as he enjoyed the view. The mountains before him and the woods below the cliff made for a fine photo. Sadly, he hadn't brought his camera with him.

But he wasn't here on vacation, sadly. High command had ordered his unit to take up positions on the hungarian border to crush an uprising by 'counterrevolutionary fascists', as they said.

First, however, they needed to get there in the first place and it was not looking good right now. This 'shortcut' they had been told about was even more difficult than they were lead to believe.

He walked over to the other soldiers and helped the to get the debris and rocks from the narrow mountain pass. To their right was the mountain and to the left a steep cliff, at least a few hundred meters above the woods. Their two T-34 tanks were barely fitting onto the pass and everyone who wanted to get from one end of the column to the other had to climb over the tanks, since there was simple no space left. At least they didn't had to worry about the cold, the tanks were build for any type of environment. 

"Seems as if taking the 'shortcut' was a bad idea." a man next to him said. Alexander looked to his right and saw his commander, Major Dimitri.

"Well that farmer did warn you that it was a dangerous route Comrade Major." Alexander noted. Now they were separated form the division and the radio was dead as well.

The Major pointed a finger towards him in a threatening manner. "Keep your comments for yourself. You job is to educate our soldiers and keep up morale."

"That's what I'm doing right now. I'm being a good example of an officer by helping our men." he said, spitting every word like venom. Alexander hated that man from the moment he was assigned to this unit.

The Major just turned and walked back to the tanks. Alexander scoffed and continued helping the men and chatting with them to distract from the cold as well as to make the heavy work more bearable.

"How is it going back home?" Alexander asked a fellow private, Igor.

"It's going great really." he said with a smile and threw a heavy rock down the cliff.

"I thought your girl was angry that you went with us on this campaign."

"Oh she is still furious. But at least she supports me now until this is over. Thanks again for your help with the letters. You always know what to say, Comrade."

"Happy to help." he said, not making a big deal out of it.

"Can I ask you question, though?"

"Of course."

"Well, I..." he began, but the soldier never finished his sentence because a spear tore through his body and he fell to the ground.

Alexander had barely any time to react before a fellow solider shouted it out. "AMBUSH!"

Out of seeming nowhere, strange humanoid creatures attacked the soldiers. They crawled along the mountain side, up the cliff and along the path. Some of them were armed with selfmade weapons like clubs and axes. And the Major had already been killed by an arrow to the eye.

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