The Village

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"This is... I don't know." Donna whispered after two broke the kiss.

"Believe me, I am just as confused as you are." Alexander admitted and held her hand. His rough hands were a stark contrast to her soft ones. How soft they were, like baby skin. "I know you did horrible things and... I should hate you for that. But I just... I don't. I see you. Donna: the person, the woman, the human. Not a beast that needs to be killed."

"N-No?" Donna asked, sounded even more confused then before.

"No. I... like you. I guess." he chuckled. "I know it is crazy but... that's feelings for you. They often don't make sense." He wanted to say he loved her but that would have been too early. He did not love her yet, but he definitely felt drawn to her.

Donna turned away from him. "Please return to your room. You are no longer needed for today."

Stunned by her reaction, Alex tried to reach out to her. "Donna..."

"Just go!" she hissed. "Please..."

Reluctantly, he did as she asked him to and her was soon on his bed, thinking about todays events.

The next few days went by and Donna acted like nothing happened. Alex thought it best not to speak about it either and just wait until she was ready.

Donna called him downstairs, she had just returned from the cellar. Her doll held a paper in her hands and held it out to him while speaking. "I've got a list for you. You will go to the village and fetch some supplies for me. Food, wood and materials I need for my dolls. If you can't find any of the things on the list, go find the Duke. He usually has everything you need and if not, he can get it for you."

To say this request surprised Alexander would have been an understatement. He had never been allowed outside of the house unless she was with him. Now he was allowed to go all the way to the village. „Are you sure, Donna?"

"That's Miss Beneviento to you, boy." Angie hissed at him. "And yes, I am sure. I know you won't try anything. If you try to escape, the Lycans will kill you. Mother Miranda knows everything, do not forget that." She handed him the list and the money needed to buy it.

With a nod, Alex rushed out of the house and, standing in the garden, took a deep breath. Yes, some time outside of the mansion would do him some good.

He came along the the former gardeners house, crossed the bridge over the cliff and made it though the forest. He almost couldn't believe his luck when he opened the heavy wooden gate that separated the Beneviento property from the village.

The village was filled with life, it was midday after all and the people went about their daily business. Children were playing in the narrow streets, shops were open and the fields were being tended to.

Alexander approached one of the shops, the tailor, and greeted him. "Hello."

The man in the shop looked towards him and turned pale, like he had seen a ghost. Alexander turned around and thought, or rather hoped, that he was looking at someone else. There wasn't anyone else.

"You... you returned!" he man said, shocked and surprised to see him alive.

Alex rolled his eyes, he was already starting to regret being here. "Yes, yes, I heard the stories. Now listen, I'm here to buy some things for Lady Beneviento. Can you take a look at that?

The man blinked a few times, then nodded and quickly delivered the goods. "What... what is it like? In the mansion?"

Alex sighed. He really did not have time for this. "Thanks for the supplies." he said and walked out of the shop, to the next merchant.

In the end he head nearly everything except for one thing: porcelain. Where the hell was he going to get that? Then he remembered what she told him to ask the Duke. This guy can get anything... for the right price, of course.

Almost as if by a magical wish, Alexander spotted him as soon as he turned around the corner and entered the town square. A big crowd had assembled around his wagon and seemed eager to get some of his wares too.

But thankfully, all he has to say was that he was here on Lady Benevientos orders. No sooner were the words spoken then the crowd parted in front of him, like Moses dividing the Red Sea. This reminded Alex of his mother, who was more religious then his dad. She would always urge him to read the Bible. Both to understand the enemies of Communism and to make clear that one should not wait to go to paradise, but create paradise on earth.

Well he failed miserably in that regard. He was never really religious but if there was a god up there, this would certainly be one of the circles of hell. Like in Dante's Inferno. Or maybe it a circle of Purgatory? A test to prove himself?

„What can I get you, young man?" the Duke smiled.

„Ehm... porcelain. The Lady needs porcelain and a lot of it."

„Uh that's very rare. What kind of porcelain? Dolls? Cups? Rare material?"

„Any kind of porcelain would do, she said."

The Duke sold him a lot of porcelain dolls and a set of cups, that looked way to expensive for his taste. Seriously, who needs this? Certainly none of the villagers could afford it. Maybe the tall lady in the castle?

It didn't matter, he packed up and wanted to
walk away. He was just away from the crowd when an familiar voice emerged from the shadows. „Look who it is. Donnas new pet. I'm surprised you lasted this long."

Alex, stiff as a candle, turned towards him. „Looks like I am made out of tough steel."

„Yes, your soviets are famous for your engendering."

„Did you come here to abduct me again?"

„Oh no no, in fact I have a question for your Mistress."

Alex cut his tounge when he said that. But no matter if Donna liked him or not, he was still a prisoner. A benevolent slave holder was still a slave holder.

„And what would that be?"

„I want to arrange a little... game. With you fighting my soldiers and champions. Don't worry, there will be safety precautions this time. And why all this? Why, for entertainment of course."

Alex scoffed quietly but there wasn't really anything he could do to challenge him. „Sure. I'll tell her."

„Great!" he patted his shoulder and walked off, cigar in mouth and hammer of his shoulder.

Donna (or Angie) did not seemed to surprised at Heisenbergs request. „He likes to put on a show for us." she said. „Would you do it if I said yes?"

Alexander was surprised by her question. Was she genuine or testing him? Best to take a cautious approach. „If you tell me to do it, I will."

Donna nodded. „Then I will think about it. In the meantime, I need you to help me to melt the porcelain. I guess it is time for you to see my workshop down in the cellar."

Resident Evil VIII: Donna BenevientoWhere stories live. Discover now