Chapter 6

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-Training Camp; 2nd POV-

You got on the bus and sat at the back near Narita. You leaned against the window and put your headphones on to listen to music. Tadashi and Tsukishima noticed and say next to you. Tsukishima between the both of you.

You didn't mind and didn't care. At this point, to you, they were your friends. "Everyone good to go?" Daichi asked before we left. Everyone answered 'yes.' We got set up to go and Takeda starting driving. Hinata and Kageyama we're missing because they failed their tests. Tanaka said they might make it, but you weren't sure.

You drove until you got to your hotel. You unloaded your stuff and went inside. The girls went off to their side. You had a new manager too, Yachi. The poor thing had worse anxiety than Asahi when she first joined. It was late so you took showers.

You grabbed your towel and clothes and ran to the bathroom. You took a shower and walked out with your hair wet. Kiyoko helped you dry your hair. While she was she made small talk, "(Y/N), is it okay if I ask you something?" She seemed hesitant. You urged her to continue, "Do you like Tsukishima?"

You perked up and blushed hard. "Wh-what!? No!" You were quick to deny it which made Kiyoko think you were lying. "I don't know maybe." She looked at you with a suspicious face. "Fine yes. I like him, a lot." You said, not only admitting it to her but to yourself too. "I don't even know why when he's such a jerk!"

When she asked you immediately knew it was possible. It would explain the bubbly feeling you got whenever he showed he cared about you. It would explain why lately whenever you would tease each other it felt more playful than insulting. It explained the warm feeling you got and how fast your heart would race just by seeing him pick you up for school.

She turned you around to face her, "Tell him. I'm sure he feels the same way about you."

I turned slightly red, "There's no way. He hates me and finds me annoying. We can't talk without arguing at the end of it."

"I've heard the way you talk around each other. You'd be surprised how often you talk to each other like normal people. Talk to him," Kiyoko shook you with a pouty face.

"Yeah, the way he acts around you makes it obvious. When I first joined I thought you were dating." Yachi joined into the conversation. "For example, you two would playfight more than actually fight. Also, don't you notice he's the first one to make sure you're okay when you look upset? He also blushes a lot when you style your hair differently or use make-up or dress nice."

Your blush deepened when you realized what Yachi said was true. Your dad had gotten a little unstable lately and you overheard the fights with your mom. You'd go to school anyway clearly upset. As soon as Tsukishima saw you he'd pull you aside and ask what was wrong. You found it sweet. You'd feel better knowing he cared. "Do you... Do you really think so?"

Kiyoko and Yachi nodded giving me thumbs up, "Absolutely."

Meanwhile over at the boys...

"Tsukishima," Tanaka called out to get his attention.

He turned to face him annoyed, "What do you want Tanaka?"

"Since when have you and (Y/N) been a couple." He asked.

Tsukishima's face turned red quickly, "What the hell!? We're not a couple!"

Tanaka looked dumbfounded. When he processed he shouted, "WAIT REALLY!?"

"What made you think that in the first place?" He asked.

"Well, you're always together. You've gotten more playful around each other, you guys tend to blush around each other sometimes." He looked back at Nishinoya. "They're not even dating Noya."

Nishinoya's head perked up, "Wait, seriously?" Tanaka nodded. He looked at Tsukishima, "Coward. Ask her out already."

His face got even redder, "You're one to talk. I don't even like her."

He heard all the other players say, "Liar." Even Yamaguchi.

Daichi and Sugawara walked up to him. "Tsukishima, ask her out before someone else does."

His face was fully red and all he could do was click his tongue as he headed to the bathroom. I don't like her. Not like that. At least, I don't think I do. Ugh, why me? He facepalmed himself as we went into the bathroom.

With that, they all called it a night. Even though you and Tsukishima kept thinking about whether you should confess or not.

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