Chapter 11

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-Your POV-

"I'm so sleepy." I stretched and yawned waking with Tsukishima. "Man, I almost wish you didn't wake me up for the movie."

Tsukishima shook his head, "Do you not sleep like a normal person?"

"Sometimes," I answered. I stopped when I felt a sudden chill. Tsukishima was quick to notice and asked me what was wrong. I looked ahead and my parents were both standing there looking at me. "I'm screwed."

My mother walked up to me and started yelling, "Who the hell is this!?"

"This is Kei Tsukishima. He's my boyfriend," I answered. There was no point in lying.

My father looked like he was about to blow, "Get inside, right now. We need to talk."

I scoffed, "No."

"(Y/N) (L/N)! Don't you dare disobey us!" My father screamed.

I got startled a bit and held on to Tsukishima's hand out of instinct. He noticed I was uncomfortable and glared at my parents, "Whatever you have to say to her you can say it out here."

My father was just getting even more irritated and my mother noticed. "Can we just go inside?"

Tsukishima looked at me. I sighed and nodded. We all went inside and sat down. My father seemed to cool off a bit. "I heard you met up with your brother. We'd like to know your answer."

I grit my teeth and clenched my fist. I was still holding Tsukishima's hand and I dug my nails into his hand. He didn't say anything, but I could tell it hurt and I loosened my grip when I realized. "My answer? YOU WANT TO KNOW MY ANSWER!? MY ANSWER IS GO TO HELL! YOU CAN'T GIVE ME AWAY LIKE A DOLL WHENEVER ONE OF YOU DOESN'T WANT ME!"

I could tell I startled my parents. I had never raised my voice to them. I had been sarcastic and cold, but I never raised my voice. Even Tsukishima was shocked. My mother started explaining, "(Y/N), you were offered a place in a really good school in America. That's why we were sending you with your brother. But, if you didn't want to go you didn't have to we weren't going to force you. But, you know your brother he always forgets the important details."

My eyes widened a bit as I process what she was saying. "You were giving me a choice?"

"I wasn't, but considering what we're about to tell I took pity on you." My dad stated. I was confused and asked what was going on. "Your mother and I are getting a divorce and you'll be living with her."

My eyes went wide. As much as I tried I couldn't process what he had told me. I must've zoned out for a bit since Tsukishima placed and hand in front of my face to get my attention. "What?"

"I asked if you were okay?" I didn't even notice my dad had already left. I looked around the room for him. "Your dad left a second ago. You zoned for like 3 minutes."

My mom was walked up to me, "I know I wasn't the best mother since (S/N) died when you were 8. Your father never made it easy for me to talk to you. But, I want to make up for it, if you can forgive me. I understand if you can't and I won't force you to."

It was too much for me to process and I ran up to my room. I flopped down on my bed numb. I felt a hand on my shoulder and moving down my arm. "(Y/N), are you okay?"

I turned around when I recognized the voice. "I don't know what to think. I still haven't processed anything. I feel numb."

He looked at me with worried eyes. "Well, what about your mom?"

I stopped to think a bit. I realized that she only started treating me badly after my dad lost his precious (S/N) in a car accident. She was his favorite child. My mom isn't a very confrontational person so she never stood up to my dad. "I guess I could try to give her a chance. Not that she deserves it."

Tsukishima got in bed with me and pulled me closer to his chest. "Just try to get some sleep okay." I didn't even argue I just cuddled closer and I fell asleep.

-2 years later-

"Bye mom, I'll see you later," I said as I put on my shoes to leave.

She poked her head out of the kitchen, "Is Tsukishima coming over?"

I nodded as I tied my shoe, "Yes mom. He comes over every Friday for dinner. Anyway, I better hurry, or else Tadashi's gonna bite my head off."

She chuckled, "I never thought that boy would be so bossy. He used to be so shy and sweet."

I sighed remembering my sweet Yams from our first year. After 2 years my mom and I got close. Last year I decided to do the same with my brother. After the divorce, we cut all contact with my dad. He didn't want anything to do with us anyway.

I properly got to introduce Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. Akaashi and Bokuto we're also allowed to come to visit more often and stay at my house. Tsukishima wasn't very pleased but he trusted me. Although, sometimes his jealousy got the better of him and he stayed over too.

When the team found out were dating they teased Tsukishima about it for a month. It was cute seeing him switch between being flustered or bragging about me.

My mom got to meet my whole team. I think she liked Suga the best. They still keep in touch to this day. She kept in touch with all the third years actually. Me and Tsukishima only got closer as the years went by. We started looking at colleges we both liked so we could go together.

I ran to the gym barely making it in time. "I made it!"

I was nearly brought to the floor by Shoyo, "(Y/N)!" He hugged me.

I scolded him, "You need to stop doing that you human tangerine."

He chuckled, "Guess what!" I asked and he answered, "I'm going to Brazil after we graduate."

I smiled, "No way, that's so cool."

Shoyo was about to speak before he was pulled off me. "Get your filthy hands off of my girlfriend carrot top."

I snickered a bit, "Oh Kei, jealous now are we?"

He glared at me, "As if short stack."

I kissed his cheek, "I love you too Salt Fries."

He turned red and scolded me, "I told you to stop doing that!" I simply snickered and walked toward the other manager I got.

I honestly didn't think I would end up here. But, I'm glad I did. I'm glad I ended up falling for Tsukishima. After all, who says likes repel.

Who Said Likes Repel? (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now