Chapter 8

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-2nd POV; 1 week later-

Training camp was over. Hinata and Kageyama managed to make it in time. It wasn't pretty when Hinata got mad at Kageyama for second-guessing himself. When you came back from the first camp they didn't talk to each other for a while they even got into a fight. But, they worked it out.

Tsukishima came back more annoyed than usual which worried you. You knew something was wrong and he wasn't telling you. You thought it might've been because of what Kuroo said, but you got a feeling it was something else.

It didn't take Tsukishima long to piece together the fact he liked you. Which pissed him off thinking, why her of all people? He came back annoyed and jealous of how you were with the other boys. Mostly, Akaashi. You two were close and spent most of the time together which pissed him off.

Today you were going to invite Tsukishima somewhere and force him to talk, but your plans got foiled. Tsukishima and you got stuck going out with Yamaguchi, Kageyama, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Hinata. They stopped by to hang out for a couple of days. You walked with Tsukishima hoping he'd talk to you, but he kept wearing his headphones ignoring you and everyone else.

Kuroo dragged you up with the rest, "(Y/N), he's not going to talk to you. So, how about you choose a place to eat. Bokuto's treat."

"Hey! Who said I was paying you rooster?" Bokuto shouted.

Kuroo smirked, "We have to make (Y/N) happy so you're paying, bird brain"

You simply laughed at their stupidity, "How about you each use your small little brains and pay for your stuff. No one has to pay anybody else. Unless there was an agreement beforehand or they're broke in which case you can starve."

Hinata looked up at you, "(Y/N) you're too much like Tsukishima."

Kuroo laughed, "He's not wrong."

Kageyama scoffed, "That's a first considering he's an idiot."

"You're one to talk stupid Kageyama." Hinata stuck out his tongue and they started fighting with each other again. You couldn't help but keep laughing at them. Something which made Tsukishima's stomach turn. He wanted to make you laugh, he wanted to make you smile. But, he's too much of an idiot to do anything about it. So he acts like a jerk instead.

Hinata looked at you, "So where to?"

"Uhh, I know (favorite diner)." You said.

Akaashi and Bokuto smiled at you, "Of course, you're so predictable."

Bokuto cheered, "Alright! I love their food."

You looked back to Tsukishima glaring at the floor. He was farther away from the group. You sighed, "You guys go ahead." They caught on when they saw you were looking at Tsuki. They all went ahead and you ran to catch up with Tsukishima. "I've had enough of this what's up with you?"

He ignored you and kept walking. You called out for him over and over again. He still ignored you. When he didn't respond you ran to catch up with him again. Only by the time you looked, there was a car speeding at Tsukishima. You ran faster and pushed him out of the way. He reacted quickly when he realized what was happening and grabbed your forearm pulling you down with him.

The driver looked back calling you idiots and kept driving. You glared at the car and shouted back chewing him out. You looked back at Tsukishima worried, "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Did you hit your head? How many fingers am I holding up?"

He looked out of it and when he snapped back to reality and processed everything be shouted at you, "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING!?"

You flinched at his sudden tone and moved back a little. "Huh- what?"

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