Chapter 7

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-Next Morning; Your POV-

Kiyoko shook me awake. Looks like my alarm didn't work. I got up and Yachi was already fixing up her hair. Kiyoko was still getting dressed and I had to get ready. I dressed up in normal gym clothes in case they wanted me to play. They did that for practice matches we had.

We all walked to meet up with the team when we were ready. Yachi did her hair the same as always and Kiyoko put her hair in a ponytail. I put my hair in a (choose your hairstyle). We caught up with them. "Hey."

"Hey, you girls ready?" Daichi asked. We all nodded and walked into the gym. I was super excited I thought my heart was beating out of my chest. I couldn't wait to see them.

We walked in and as soon I was through the door I heard someone call my name, "(Y/N)!!!!!!"

I recognized that voice anywhere, "BOKUTO!" He hugged me and spun me around. Normally, I would get annoyed and ask him to put me down. This time I was so happy to see him I didn't care. "I missed you guys."

"(Y/N)." I heard another voice when I was put down.

I looked behind Bokuto. "'KAASHI!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug he gladly returned. "I missed you so much."

"More than me?" I could hear Bokuto getting pouty.

"No Bokuto, I missed you just as much. Especially your hugs." I said to cheer him up.

Bokuto's eyes shone and he gave me a huge grin. "I knew you liked my hugs!"

I felt someone ruffle my hair, "You're just going to ignore the rest of us?"

I looked behind me, "Konoha! How've you been?" We did our handshake and Washio walked over too. "Washio, hey. Saru, Komi. Yuki! Kaori!"

The managers on their team looked my way when I called them. They ran over to me and tackled me in a hug I nearly fell. "(Y/N)! We missed you so much!"

"Hey, do we not exist anymore?"

I rolled my eyes knowing who said that. "Go away Rooster head."

He faked being wounded and dramatically place his hand on his heart, "You wound me. How can you be so cruel?"

"(Y/N), hey." Kenma waves at me.

"Hey, Kenma." I waved back. Yaku waved cheerfully at me too and I waved back.

"(Y/N), come on we have to warm up." I heard Daichi calling me.

"Coming. I'll see guys later." I ran off to join them. I stood next to Yams and Tsukishima who looked a little annoyed. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing." He said clearly annoyed.

I poked his cheek which caught him off guard, "Tsuki what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing and don't poke me like that." He scolded me. His cheeks dusted pink.

I pouted, "Bully. Daichi, am I playing today?"

He nodded, "You're going to be a middle blocker today since two of our idiots failed. One of them being our middle blocker." Daichi had an annoyed smile on his face. Well, if they pass their retake Tanaka said they would come.

I just hope they have enough brain cells in their brain to pass. Poor Yachi even helped them study. Hinata would've passed if he didn't put the answers in the wrong place. "Idiots," I mumbled to myself. Tsuki heard me and looked at me I whispered, "Hinata and Kageyama. They're idiots."

"Agreed." He whispered back.

"Hey lovebirds, whisper later we have to warm up," Ennoshita called out.

We both started blushing, "Don't call us that!" We walked up to warm up. Nekoma was starting their match against another school I wasn't familiar with. We finished our warm-ups and the first school we go against is Fukurodani.

Bokuto smirked at me, "I hope you improved a little, (Y/N)."

I smirked back, "Try to keep up bird brain. Because you're not getting past me today." The one thing Bokuto and I could get along about was Volleyball. I wasn't very excited about it at first and I'm not really interested in becoming a pro or anything. But, I started wanting to get better whenever I played against Bokuto. He always got through my blocks and his spikes were hard to receive. It annoyed the heck out of me.

We started with Asahi serving the ball. Komi received and passed it to Akaashi. He got ready to set and I already knew he was going to set it Bokuto. Just like I thought he did. Tsukishima and I both jumped to block him and he did a rebound which Akaashi caught. He sent it over to Saru and he spiked it. Nishinoya didn't make it in time and it bounced off his hands.

Fukurodani got the first point. "Dang it," I muttered under my breath.

I felt a nudge from Tsukishima I looked at him and he whispered, "Nice block, shorty." I froze for a second while they got into position again. I shook it off and got ready as well. Bokuto served and aimed right at Noya who received it perfectly. Suga got ready to set the ball and set it to Tanaka who spiked it over on their side.

Tanaka cheered excitedly about his spike. The match ended and Fukurodani won. Which annoyed me a bit. I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone calling out to me. I turn to look and it was Akaashi, "Nice job, you had Bokuto running for his money. You got a lot better."

I smiled shyly, "Thanks, 'Kaashi. I learned a lot playing with Saltyshima. He's a jerk, but a good player."

"Stop calling me that!" I heard Tsukishima as he walked by.

I giggle, "Or what, Tsuki?" He glared and walked away. I snickered and looked back at Akaashi who was staring at me weirdly. "What's up with the look?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. I have to go we have one more practice match before we call it a night."

I walked away and caught up to Yams and Tsuki. "Hi."

"Hey, you look happy." Yams pointed out.

"I am, they can be a bit annoying, but I missed them a lot," I said stretching out my arms.

We walked a lap around the gym before I heard someone shout, "WATCH OUT!" I saw the ball and braced myself. But, I felt someone pull me towards the wall, and when I opened my eyes the ball was gone. I noticed a hand on my wrist which belonged to Tsukishima. He blocked the ball with the other.

Yams panicked, "Oh my God, are you okay? Do you need ice or anything?"

Tsukishima sighed, "I'm fine Tadashi." He looked at me, "What about you?"

I was still sort of processing the fact that he protected me. "Uh... Yeah. I'm fine."

Bokuto ran over to me with tears in his eyes, "(Y/N)! I'm so sorry, are you okay? Do you need anything? I'm so sorry!"

I rolled my eyes annoyed. Bokuto and his modes are unbelievable. "Bokuto, I'm fine. No harm done. Stop crying."

He blinked a few times, "Okay. I'm just glad you're okay."

Akaashi called out to him, "Bokuto she's fine, get back here." He ran off and got back to the game.

On our way back to our rooms I tugged on Tsukishima's shirt. He looked back at me, "Thanks, Tsuki. For saving me when the ball was about to hit me."

He simply nodded and averted his gaze, "Sure, no problem." We both walked off and left it at that.

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