Chapter 10

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-2nd POV; 1 week later-

You were huffing slightly looking at the clock. It was 5 am and your parents were coming back at 8. You had a nightmare and had been awake for the past hour. You looked at Tsukishima who ended shifting a bit in his sleep. So cute. You packed up your stuff and snuck home.

You cleaned the house, took a shower, unpacked your stuff like you never left, and went back to sleep just in time. You were already dozing off when you heard the door open. You heard shoes hitting the floorboard and keys falling on a table. "Ugh, that brat is still asleep, isn't she? She's got school in 20 minutes."

You looked at the clock. You weren't dozing off, you blacked out completely. You jumped off the bed and started getting dressed. You heard sizzling in the kitchen which meant your mom was cooking. You ran downstairs, "Bye." You heard no response as you opened the door. You saw Tsukishima waiting like always. Your eyes went wide as you scolded him, "Kei! You should've gone on without me. Now we're both gonna be late!"

"Did you seriously I was going to leave your stupid self behind to get lost? Come on." He took your hand and dragged you along. You didn't fight it and interlocked your fingers with his. "Don't do that again." You looked at him confused, "Don't disappear on me like that in the mornings ever again."

You simply shrugged your shoulders, "It's not that big of a deal Kei."

He stopped in his tracks, "Yes it is, you could've at least left a note or something. Instead, you sneak out of my house without telling me anything. I was worried you know." He started raising his voice.

But you could see he was genuinely worried about you. He was upset you just disappeared like that. You felt a feeling of comfort and safety you hadn't felt in a long time, "Okay, I won't do it again. I didn't mean to make you worry. Sorry."

He sighed, "Let's just go. What a pain." You smiled softly to yourself walking to school. You stopped holding hands reaching the school and walked next to each other normally.

You walked to class and opened the door to the teacher already beginning, "And so-" She was quick to notice both of you, "Tsukishima, (L/N). You're late."

You both bowed, "Sorry. It won't happen again."

She shook her head, "Take a seat."

You saw Yamaguchi on your way to your seat and waved. "Hey." He waved back and mouthed the same thing to you. He waved at Tsuki who simply replied with a nod. You sat down in your seats and sometimes would sneak in glances at each other. Very few students in class noticed the occasional smiles you'd send him. Or the silent teasing you'd do to each other. "Screw you Salty fries," You whispered.

He could barely contain his snickers. "Aww Short Stack's mad." I glared at him a simply stared back at the bored. He did the same once he stopped smirking at me.

Class was over and Tsukishima started snickering out loud, "Geez, I didn't think you'd get that upset."

You simply pouted, "I'm sorry I have actual human emotions. You know since I'm a human and not a talking french fry."

"With that height? I thought humans were taller?" He retorted.

"Will you two stop arguing for 2 seconds?" Yams said pouting to get your attention.

"Sorry Yams." You apologized.

"Geez, what happened that day we went out. You guys have been arguing a lot more than usual." He pointed out.

You simply giggled, "We're not arguing, we're messing around. We don't actually get along this badly Yams, you know that." You turned to look over at Tsukishima, "Oh yeah. Tsuki, are we still on for tonight?" You asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I'll pick you up around 7."

Yams looked at both of you confused, "I'm sorry, what?"

You perked up, "Oh sorry, we bought last-minute tickets to a dinosaur movie. There were only 2 left we ordered them at the same time. We would've asked you otherwise. Tsukishima is coming with me."

"Like a date?" He asked.

You both turned red, "N-no!"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima was quick to say.

He sighed a bit, "Sorry. Also, don't worry about the movie, I got a friend I got to meet anyway after school."

You smirked and wiggled your eyebrows, "Ah, so is it a platonic thing or a romantic thing?"

He turned red like a tomato, "N-NO! It- It's not like that!" He took a small pause before speaking, "I think."

You snickered, "Yams is in love, how cute. Well, good luck."

"Thanks." He muttered shyly.

He walked away red and you looked at Tsukishima who was still processing. "What the?"

You shook your head at your bewildered boyfriend. "Such an idiot." You dragged him by his wrist, "Come on, we don't need Daichi yelling at us too."

You bumped into said captain on the way. "(Y/N), Tsukishima. You headed straight to the gym?"

We nodded, "Yeah. We were both starting to head there now."

He glanced a bit back in forth between you, "Where's Yamaguchi?"

"He went up ahead I think. Why?" Tsukishima told him.

Daichi shrugged, "I was going to tell him practice is canceled. I guess Hinata and Kageyama can tell him when he gets there. Anyway, we'll still have practice early tomorrow, later." With that, he walked away.

You and Tsukishima looked at each other, "At least we have more time before the movie starts." It clicked in your head, "Wait, I almost forgot, can we head to my house real quick?"

He raised a brow at you confused, "Sure."

You both walked home and since your parents weren't home you invited him in, "Welcome to my humble home. Wait in the living room."

He did as you asked and sat down scrolling through his phone. He got up and walked around looking at family pictures. The only times you seemed happy were with your sister and that got his attention. He took a picture you had where you and your sister were making a silly face in a ski lodge. Your cheeks and nose were so red from the cold he found it cute.

He put his phone away when he heard your footsteps. You had your hands behind your back smiling, "Close your eyes." Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at you in suspicion. You pouted and he sighed closing his eyes. "Open them."

He opened his eyes and they sparkled when he saw what was in front of him. It was a pair of new headphones he'd been dying to get and never got around to it. "When did you? How did you-"

"I asked Yams." You simply answered. "You like it?"

He looked at you with the softest smile on his face and pulled you in for a hug. "Thank you," He mumbled loud enough for you to hear. You hugged him back feeling a warm feeling in your heart. Something you hadn't felt in a while.

You changed and walked with Tsukishima back to his house. He changed and cuddled with you until it was time to see the movie. You didn't need to tell his mom and brother anything since they already figured out you were dating. You could tell they didn't have a problem with it since they were always nice to you.

When it was time to watch the movie you touched up and left. You did end up criticizing everything they got wrong. But, you both enjoyed it nonetheless. He walked you home and you were both met with an unpleasant surprise.

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