Being Riley Biers make

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Having a blood mate didn't always help your self-esteem and body image, but it did help you feel better about yourself. This way, you would never be alone even if you thought he was being forced to be with you. Riley Biers didn't have a particularly romantic way of showing you how he felt about you, but deep down you knew he loved you. Even if just a little. Your family always spoke that finding your blood mate would be like love at first sight, their blood would sing out for you. And you really were head over heels for the young vampire.

Your family was apprehensive about your mate, but it's not like you chose to have Edward's wife's attempted murderer for life. They would have to accept him just as much as he would have to accept them. And although it was hard at times, he was trying with all his being. For you.

"Can't you do anything right?" Riley asked as you jumped from a tree and missed a branch. It was no secret you were clumsy, your entire family knew and accepted it with a hearty laugh. You landed on the leafy ground with a silent thud then proceeded to fall on your behind. With a sigh, you looked up at the darkened sky. "I guess not."

Riley landed in front of you with his usual smirk, but his eyes held a more profound expression. Riley Biers used to be a fun-loving human being with a warm heart. Ever since Victoria snatched him from his world and used him for vengeance he was broken. And you got to pick up the pieces.

"Come on," he says and you look from the sky to the sincere smile on his face. "You're not getting out of this date so easily."

He picked you up bridal style and you squeaked, rolling your eyes at him. "You sure you can carry the heavy load?"

Your voice was laced with sarcasm, but he knew his previously said words hurt you. You took a deep breath and held it in because you wouldn't win if you started a fight. "Nevermind."

He set you down on a clearing with the moon shining beautifully and illuminating the area. You smiled softly, marvelling the sight in front of you through jaded eyes. Riley smiled widely while observing you - you always brought the best out in him even if he would never admit it.

"What, don't know how to sit now? You were fine using your butt before." He smirked as you glared softly at him and plopped down on his lap with no warning whatsoever. A cough left his lips as he nearly choked on the blood and spilled it all over his shirt. You winked in return, "you okay there, champ?"

Beneath the sick, twisted smile that always graced Riley's lips, he did make you happy. Small gestures like a midnight picnic made it better, knowing that you'll be here for the rest of your life.

(Twilight) Short stories | Riley Biers x reader  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat