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"I just don't understand why you would be with him. He's not a good person. All he's going to do it hurt you. You need to stay away from him. He doesn't deserve you." Bella cried.

You loved your sister but she had no right to say anything about your relationship with Riley, especially after the fact her boyfriend almost got her killed, more than once.

You had met Riley when he tried to kill your sister on the mountain. Why you had been on that mountain in the first place, you did not understand. But the moment Riley saw you, he knew you were his mate and did what he could to protect you from Victoria, much to the dismay of your sister.

You rolled your eyes at your sister, "I love him and nothing you do is going to change that. You have no say whatsoever about who I'm with, especially considering who your boyfriend is."

"Edward has nothing to do with this."

You scoffed, "He has everything to do with this. You have almost died more than once because of him. I almost died once because of him so excuse me for not liking him at all. I'm not staying away from Riley because you or your boyfriend have a problem with it."

"I expected better from you."

"That's funny coming from you."

"I am so sorry." Riley apologized once again.

It had been a complete accident but you had managed to twist your ankle as you chased after him while playing a game. He had immediately pick you up and taken you to the ER and made sure you got everything you needed.

You shook your head, "I'm fine. I promise." You cuddle up to your boyfriend and you tried to fight off sleep. It had been a long day, waiting for the doctors to take care of you and get the treatment you need.

"Just sleep, doll. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Riley reassured. Soon enough you were dozing off while your boyfriend held you.

"Riley, can I talk to you?"

Riley didn't particularly like your sister but she was your sister after all so he put up with her but he didn't like the way she treated you. However, he wouldn't say that to you he knew how important she was to you.

Riley sighed, "Go on."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have judged you when I didn't know you and all I wanted was to protect my sister but I shouldn't have judged you. I'm sorry." Bella spoke, hoping that he would forgive her.

Riley nodded his head, "You're right, you had no right to judge me but I know how important family is and I know you never wanted to hurt her but the way you have been treating me, has hurt her. She cares about you but she deserves to be happy. You want her in your life, you have to do better."

"I promise I will try."

"Good because family is everything."

(Twilight) Short stories | Riley Biers x reader  Where stories live. Discover now