My Home

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Summary: You're a little hesitant about dating a vampire, but in the end there's no one you'd rather be with.

You had always been a shy person, who kept to herself most of the time. When you first met Riley, it frightened you a little how easy things were with him and how safe he made you feel. Considering he's a vampire, who feeds on human blood, your first instinct should've been to run away from him as far as possible. But something pulled you towards him, a bond too strong for you to ignore.

When the subject of feeding came up you voiced your concerns; you were still human and he feeds on humans. Being a vampire makes him a predator which gives him instincts. What if one day he can't control himself? Even though you had these concerns, there was never a moment you didn't feel safe with him.

In the beginning he was always careful, making sure you were comfortable and he didn't push you too much. After your first real date, Riley was walking you home and every so often your hands would brush each other. You knew he didn't make a move to take your hand because he wanted to be careful so you wouldn't shy away. He's so considerate of your feelings. The next time your hands bumped into each other you took his hand into yours. It felt right, like it was supposed to be. Your hands fit like a puzzle. The constant touch made you happy and giddy inside.

Let's not forget your first kiss. You were at your place for a classic movie night. There were blankets and pillows everywhere. You had dimmed the lights and lit some candles. About halfway through the movie, you cuddled up to Riley. Your actions encouraging him to put his arm around you. As the movie ended, he said he had big news. He told you about the Cullens and how he would become like them, vegetarians. In the spur of the moment, you had kissed him. It was short, sweet and fast. Almost as if it didn't happen. Riley needed a few seconds to make sure it really happened. When he was certain it had happened, he put his hand on your cheek. His face slowly came closer to yours. His eyes looked at your lips and then at you as if to ask permission. You closed the gap and pressed your lips on his. It felt like fireworks. It was in that moment that in such a short time Riley had become your home.

You were currently laying on a blanket in your secluded garden. The sun was out today making Riley sparkle. You were holding hands and looking up at the sky. After a while Riley cuddled up to you, laying his head on your chest so he can hear your strong heartbeat. If he was able to sleep, it would've lulled him right into the sleep. Your hand wove itself through his hair. You closed your eyes overwhelmed with the happiness you felt.

His voice made you open your eyes again.

"You falling asleep, love?"

You playfully shove him to prove you're still very much awake. He chuckles before saying:

"What was that for?"

You giggle and press a kiss on his cheek before cuddling into his side. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.

(Twilight) Short stories | Riley Biers x reader  Where stories live. Discover now