Jack Johnson Imagine

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Imagine johnson texting you (bc bff) and wanting you to Coachella with him. Y'all get a hotel for the night so y'all could be closer to the event. That night he did a younow and someone said "where's y/n) he calls for you.
You: what
J: they want u on younow!!
Y: I look ugly rn
J: stop u look good even when u don't think so.

You get on younow and about an hour you get off and fall asleep on the floor. Johnson picks you up and lays you on the bed and tucks you in. You whisper "thanks". He kisses u on the forehead and climbs next to you. "Love you y/n" . The next morning is Coachella and y'all get ready. After 2 hours you go and have the time of your life. In that moment johnson wraps his arms around you while a love/trap song plays.
J: you're everything . You look great even if you're sweating
Y: thank you for everything.

You guys leave back to the hotel bc tired and he slams the door behind and kisses you all down your neck.
J: y/n I can't help it. You're sexy and I know ur my best friend but I'm in love with you..
Y: proceed-

He stopped you and kissed you. You kissed back and he got to the bed.

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