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I start to wake up from being knocked out. Or at least I think I was? I'm not sure. But my surroundings are defiantly NOT familiar. Where am I? I stand up and walk out of the small room I was in. Well, I tried. As soon as I got to the door, I collapsed. I look behind me and see that I've tripped over something. I can't tell what it is since it is very dark here. It must be nighttime. I head to the small window and look outside. It is in fact nighttime and...I'm in the jungle...? Why? Was...wait...was I KIDNAPPED? No. But it's possible. Where is this? Where I come from, we don't have jungles. We have small woodland.
"Okay. I'm definitely not home." I whisper to myself. I head back to the door, this time feeling around so I don't trip again. The door creaks loudly as I open it. This place must have been here for a while. I step outside and feel the warm air. I look ahead and see a bridge in the distance going over a long ravine. I run over to the bridge as quietly as I can, hoping not to disturb any predators that may be around. The bridge looks old and rickety. I look down and fall backward, seeing how deep the ravine is. I stand back up quickly and face the bridge again.
"Alright. If I have to cross this bridge in order to get to some sort of civilization, then bring it on." I say. I take a step onto the bridge and it immediately starts to rock. This was not the safest way to get across, but it'll do. I put my other foot on the bridge and it rocks much more. I, mentally, start to freak out. I try not to look below me, seeing as it will not make this situation any better. I continue to walk across, then my foot gets caught between two planks. I struggle to get it back out, but I managed. I soon get across and kneel down out of relief.
"Oh. My. God. I could have just died if I wasn't as careful as I was." I whisper. I let myself breath for a moment and continue on my "journey". I reach a big pathway and follow it. I watch my steps and see someone else's footprints in the dirt. Someone was here before me. I walk faster to see if I can find them along the way. I see a tall man in a green poncho leading his llama. Wait, llama? Okay, where am I?
"Um, sir? Sir?" I call out to him. He looks behind him, not noticing me at first. "SIR! Excuse me!" I call out again. This time he looks around and sees me.
"Oh! Hello, miss. Can I help you?" He asks me. He seems nice.
"Um. Yah, actually. Do you mind telling me where I am?" I ask him. he offers for me to walk with him and I agree.
"Why, you're in the Incan Empire. In Peru." I stop in my tracks. "Miss? Are you alright?" I look up at him, shocked.
"I'm sorry, I did hear you correctly, right?"
"I can't believe it. How did I end up here?"
"What do you mean? Are you not from here?"
"No, I'm not. I'm from far from here. We don't have jungles. We only have small woodland and plains."
"Oh. So I'm assuming you aren't able to get back?"
"I guess not." I say, as I sit down on a nearby boulder. He looks down at me, sympathetically.
"Well, why don't you come live with me and my family? We'd be happy to have some company."
I look up at him, teary eyed.
"I can? But what if your family doesn't agree with it?"
"Oh they won't mind. Plus, the kids would love to have someone new to talk to."
"Oh thank you so much, mister...?"
"Pacha. You can call me Pacha. And may I ask your name?"
"Amelia. Amelia Davis." I answer, wiping away tears from my eyes. We walk along the path again and reach a village. He points to a medium sized hut on the very top of the hill.
"See that? That's my home." He says, proudly.
"It looks wonderful" I give him a warm smile as we walk up. I start to run out of breath halfway up. I quickly get enough energy back and continue on. We finally reach the hut and we are greeted by two small children and a pregnant woman. She spots me while the children are busy talking to their dad.
"So, who might you be?" She asks, giving me a smile.
"Hello ma'am. I'm Amelia Davis. Your husband told me I could stay here for as long as I need."
"I'm Chicha. Well you're totally welcome. Where are you from."
"Well, I'm not quite sure. But I'm pretty sure I got kidnapped and brought to Peru." I tell her. She gives me a shocked yet sympathetic look.
"Oh why I oughta-" her face twists into an upset look. A look that could kill. Pacha calms her down and reassures her that it'll be alright. That she doesn't have to fight anyone. I stifle a giggle at how quickly her expressions changed. She seems like a powerful woman. The family brings me inside and give me a change of clothing. Chicha gives me a hand-made, pale blue woolen dress, almost like what she has on. I take it and she washes my original dress and hangs it on a line. The kids show me a spare room and say I can sleep here. I lean down and give them a small hug. I sit down on the edge of the bed, pondering how I got to Peru. PERU! That's so much farther away from where I live. Well, lived. I lay down and fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of birds and the two children in the room next to mine. There's a loud knock on the front door. I hear a bedroom door open. I look out my own room and see it's only Pacha. I still wanted to see who was at the door. It's what I assume a royal guard and messenger. Wow. If the guard is here, then it MUST be important. Pacha closes the door and sits down at the table. I walk out of my room pretending to have just woken up.
"So, who was at the door, Pacha?" I say, forcing a yawn.
"It's the Emperor. He sent me a summon saying he wants to see me today at noon. It doesn't say what for though."
"Hmm. If he wants to see you, then he should give a reason." At that moment, Chicha comes out of the room, stretching.
"Good morning you two." She greets, starting on breakfast. "What's troubling you, Pacha?"
"I just received a summon from the Emperor. He wants to see me today at noon. But there isn't a reason written anywhere."
"Oh. Well don't you think he should give you a reason?"
"That's what I'm sayin'!" I said, throwing my arms in the air and putting them back down. I cross them after. I look outside and see it's almost noon. I sit down next to the kids as Chicha sets the food down on the table. Pacha turns to me and asks
"Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you come with me to meet with the Emperor? I mean, you haven't been into the city yet, have you?" My eyes light up as he says that. I nod aggressively since I'm currently chewing. He gives me a smile and says okay. We finish our food quickly and head out, getting the llama on the way. We started waking and realize we have to walk across the bridge again in order to get there. Pacha walks onto the bridge like it was nothing. I stop in my tracks at the start of the bridge. He stops and looks back.
"Amelia, is everything okay? Have you changed your mind?" He asks. I look down, terrified.
"oh, um..everything's fine. It's just, when I crossed this bridge the first time, it rocked so much and I freaked out."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't reali-" I cut him off by accident.
"No it's alright. Just umm...give me a..a quick moment." I step onto the bridge and it rocks again. There weren't too many planks left on it. I stretched my leg to the next plank, almost falling. I held onto the rope, pulling myself back up as I brought my other leg over. We help each other across the rest of the way until we came to the end of it. I let out a big sigh of relief. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath that whole time. We finally continue on the actual path to the city safely.

Emperor's New Groove - Kuzco x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now