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I was rambling while we were on our mission to find Kuzco. That is until we heard screaming. Found him. We run in the direction of the sound, only to find Kuzco cornered on the edge of a cliff. Ah..of course. Jaguars. Ugh, what did we tell him. Pacha looks around and finds a vine. He holds onto it getting ready to jump.
    "Wait! Let me get on too!" Right as he jumped, I grabbed onto the vine. That was close, i could have just fallen to my death...again. Pacha missed Kuzco.
    "You missed?! How could you miss?!" I say.
    "Pacha! Amelia! Hurry! I'M ABOUT TO BE EATEN!" Kuzco yells out to us. I roll my eyes.
    "We're trying!" I respond. Pacha swings back, grabbing Kuzco this time.
    "Don't worry your highness! I got you! You're safe now!" Just then we spun around a tree and got tangled up in the vine. And of course I get tied next to Kuzco. He looks over to me.
    "what?" I say.
    "So...changed your mind on being my Empress?"
    "No. Not a chance." He looks back to Pacha, who was behind us.
    "maybe I'm just new to this whole rescuing thing, but this, to me, might be considered doing it backwards. Wouldn't you say?"
    "No, no, no. It's okay. This is alright, we can figure this out." Kuzco turns to me again.
    "Uhm...are— are you alright? You seem to be kinda...um.." Oh, I'm hyperventilating.
    "Yah, I'm fine. Just kinda claustrophobic is all." Which is true. I am claustrophobic. But also have a fear of heights. Then, there's a creak in the branch and I start hyperventilating again, but much more this time.
    "I...hate you" Kuzco says to Pacha. We fall and my eyes widen, afraid we're for sure going to die this time. But we land in the river. Maybe I should've stayed behind at the house.
    "I don't know about you, but I'm getting all funned out." Kuzco says, disappointed.
    "uh-oh." Pacha says.
    "Don't tell me, we're about to go over a huge waterfall.
    "sharp rocks at the bottom?"
    "most likely."
    "hhh. bring it on." We all get ready to fall. I grasp onto Kuzco. He doesn't seem to have realized. I didn't either. We fall and the branch breaks. Pacha and I come up for air, but I don't see Kuzco anywhere. he washes up, unconscious. I carry him up to where Pacha was. Great, now there's llama hair all over my dress. At least it wasn't my good blue one I just got.
    "Your highness? Your highness, can you hear me?" Pacha says, trying to make sure he's still alive.
    "Oh dear. breath. BREATH" I say, pumping his chest. Pacha takes over and tries to attempt CPR. Kuzco wakes up and starts to freak out.
    "AUGH! You kissed me!" He says.
    "No I did not. I was trying to give you CPR. I thought you weren't breathing!" I hold back a laugh as Kuzco tries washing it out by gurgling the river water. "You were fine! We could have left you with the jaguars, you know!"
    "But now that you're here, you will take me back to the palace. I'll have Yzma turn me back, and then I'll start construction on Kuzcotopia! Oh yeah!"
    "I just think, that maybe if you really thought about it, you'd decide to build your home on a different hilltop."
    "And why would I do that?"
    "Because, deep down, I think you'll realize that you're forcing an entire village out of their homes just for you." Kuzco seems like he isn't really listening. Or he is and just doesn't care.
    "and that's...bad?"
    "Well, yah. Nobody's that heartless."
    "Mhmm.....now take me back."
    "wait what? How can you be this way? All you care about is building that stupid summer home of yours and filling it with stuff for yourself!" I jump in. He looks at me as if I was the stupid one.
    "Uh, yeah. Doy? Me! Everyone else in the kingdom gets it. You two are the only ones who haven't got with the program." OH HO HO. This little...GAH.
    "You know, someday, you'll end up all alone, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself!"
    "Thanks for that. I'll log that away." He looks to Pacha. "Now, for the final time, I order you to take me back to the palace!"
    "Well it looks to me you're stuck out here. Because unless you change your mind, I'm not taking you back." Kuzco pouts and crosses his arms, sitting down on a log he found. He mocks what pacha said and throws a rock straight at Pacha's head. We both look at him.
    "huh? What? I didn't do anything. Somebody's throwing stuff. it could've been sweetheart over there for all we know." Okay, he's really getting on my last nerve. He clears his throat. "So, you gonna build that fire or what? What's gong on?" He gets up and walks to a nearby stone wall and lies down.
    "He's never gonna change his mind." Pacha whispers to himself. I sigh and lie down too.
I wake up at least three hours after falling asleep. A chattering noise came from Kuzco's direction. I look over in case something else was there. But turns out it was him. He seems cold. God why did he have to lie all the way over there. He can't go closer to the warm fire? I stand up slide off my poncho/dress thing, revealing my tank top and pants. I prefer to wear pants under my dresses, for......reasons. I walk over to Kuzco and lie the poncho-dress over him. He stopped chattering when I got back over to my spot. I look back and see he's opened his eyes slightly. I avert mine back to the fire as I sit down, huddled by the fire with my knees to my chest. He turns to the wall and I lie back down on my stomach. I make small circles with the grass waiting to become tired again. My head starts to bob around and my eyes felt heavier and heavier, before I eventually fall back asleep.
I'm woken up by the sound of birds and find that both Pacha and Kuzco are gone. Did they leave without me? No. They would never. Well, maybe Kuzco would but Pacha wouldn't. I walk around the area for a bit before going back to the campsite. I climb one of the trees surrounding it and lie on one of the branches for a while. I start to hear footsteps getting closer to the site and I look down to see Kuzco and Pacha looking around for me. I call them from the tree and pop down. They seemed startled but relieved. Especially Kuzco. What's with him lately? I shrug the thought off and walk toward them.
"Oh hey! Kuzco, here, said he's changed his mind." Pacha said. I tilt my head.
"Wait, about what?"
"Kuzcotopia. he said he'll build it somewhere else." I nod my head in understanding.
"Oh nice! Thanks, Kuzco."
"Yah, it's uh....it's no problem." He shrugged,. or..tried to. For some reason, I do and don't trust him about building someplace else. We continue on to the palace and reach the bridge. I look at it in fear once again. Boy, do I hate this bridge and this bridge specifically. I back away from it a step and Kuzco looks at me, concerned.
"Hey," He whispers. "Are you..okay?"
"what? Oh, yeah. Just...don't like crossing this bridge. It looks too rickety n' stuff. I hate it." I say, waving my hand in it's direction and wiggling my fingers. He puts his hand..uh...hoove on my back reassuringly.
"Hey, you'll be alright. We'll be helping each other get across it anyway." he smiles. I nod slightly, putting my arms up halfway, pulling on my sleeves a bit. He notices this and puts my hands down, stopping me. He walks back up with Pacha.
"Okay, once we cross this bridge, it'll be an hour until we make it to the village." Pacha announces.
"Good. Because believe it or not, I need a bath." Kuzco says. We all start walking across the bridge and then all of a sudden, Pacha slips through one of the spaces between the planks. He was caught by one of the ropes, dangling.
"OH! Oh my gods, Pacha are you okay?!" I ask him.
"Yes! I'm alright." We both look at Kuzco, panicked.
"Kuzco, help me pull him back up!" I yell, because he clearly doesn't care.
"mmm, no. I don't think I will. Come on, sweetheart." He says, turning around and jumping over the space where the plank Pacha fell through once was.
"You know what? No. Now come help me pull him back up! Because if you think that I'm going to let you go back without helping me and Pacha, then you're sadly mistaken!" I say, deathly serious. I glare at him, with the rope in hand.
"Pacha, I was going to put you in prison for life," I still look at him, but this time shocked more than ever. "But I think I like this better.
"I thought you were a changed man!" Pacha shouts at him.
"I said what I had to say so you could get me back to the village.
"So it was all a lie?"
"yah, no wait. Oh wait yah, yah it was. Toodles!" He walks off.
"how are you going to get back into the palace, huh?" Pacha says. "It's not like they're just going to let you in immediately. You'll need someone with you. You're a llama." I think Pacha was trying to stall, which works because Kuzco turned right back around and walk over, about to say something before falling through, too.
"HAH! NOW AIN' T KARMA A B-" I was cut off.
"Oh shut up! No one asked you!" Kuzco yelled at me. I smirked mischievously. The rope that held Pacha starts to break and jerks him down a bit. I quickly stop smirking and looked around.
"Amelia! Go get something to help us get back up!" Pacha shouts up to me. I nod and run off, trying to find some vines or something. I wander for a while and find a few vines I could use. However, when I cut into one of them, it started slithering. I jumped back seeing it wasn't a vine, but a snake. And a big one too. It pounces at me, making me fall backward. I struggle to hold it's head back until I grab my knife again and slit it as it drops dead. I get untangled from it, grabbing my vines and leaving as quick as I can. Who knows how many of them there are in this area. But when I get back, I find that both Kuzco and Pacha made it back up safely. I drop my vines and run to them, pulling them into a tight group hug.
"Yah, yah. Alright. We're alive, get over it." Kuzco says as he pries me off of the both of them.
"you...you saved me." Pacha says.
"what? Yah, whatever. Don't read into it too much." Kuzco states, turning to me. "Hey what's the chances of you carrying me, sweetheart."
"okay one, I have a name. And two, let's say slim to none, yah?" I say, crossing my arms.

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