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Suddenly, Kuzco collapsed next to Pacha, saying he had low blood sugar. And of course it was a lie, but Pacha couldn't tell. He was sympathetic and carried him on our way to the restaurant. I rolled my eyes.
"Low blood sugar?"
"yea, it's a curse" Kuzco's acting was terrible, how did Pacha not tell he was lying? I look up and saw that we were at the restaurant, finally. I walk up to the door and read 'NO LLAMAS' on the sign. We all looked at each other. I think we were all thinking the same thing, because we dressed Kuzco up as a woman. We sit down at a booth next to the exit. I pick the side next to the window. A lady comes up to our table
'well crap, I haven't even decided.' I think.
"Welcome to Mudka's Meat Hut, home of the mug of meat. What'll it be?" She says in a monotone voice. She doesn't even sound like she wants to be here.
"oOh whatever you say pumpkin, you know what I like." Kuzco says in his best girly voice, batting his eyes. Pacha fake giggles.
"We're on our honeymoon," He says. "We'll take two specials." The lady writes it down.
"Bless you for coming out in public," she turns to me. "What would you like?"

'U- um...I'll have the House Steak and a Sweet Yam Shake." I say, really just scanning the menu and picking whatever, not looking at the prices.
"Oh, and can we have the onion log, to split?" Kuzco asks. The lady nods and yells to the chef our orders. We all burst out laughing.
"Okay, I admit. This was a good idea." Pacha says.
"When will you learn that all my ideas are good." Kuzco adds. We laugh again, as the lady comes back with our food.
"Order up, two specials." The waitress says, setting our food on the table. Kuzco's face twists in disgust as he looks at his food, and so does mine. Pacha starts on his as Kuzco and I make gagging sounds.
"hey, where ya going?" Pacha asks as Kuzco gets up.
"I'm just gonna slip into the kitchen and have a word with the chef." He replies.
"You're going to get us caught" Pacha says as Kuzco swiftly turns around to look at him.
"Oh, what's the worst that could happen, huh? Us being thrown out of a restaurant that serves giant bugs as a meal?"
"Yah, that's probable." I say. He gives me a look that says 'shush'.
"plus, with this disguise I'm practically invisible!" yah right, you're a freaking llama for gods sakes. I don't know how the waitress didn't suspect that. I mean come on! It's obvious! I then hear voices in the booth behind me. It's Yzma and Kronk. Noo, why! They had to come in right now? At least let us get to the palace first! We should have stopped someplace else instead of here.
"We've been walking around in circles for who know how long! That is the last time im taking direction from a squirrel."she says. Wait..squirrel? I gasp. NO! THAT SNITCH! "I should have done away with Kuzco myself when I had the chance." I choke on my shake, wide eyed, and Pacha spits out his pillbug in shock. Of course Yama wants to kill Kuzco.
"Oh, you really gotta stop beating yourself up like that." Kronk says to her. I hear a slight creak sound and see that Yuma bent her fork. "Uh oh, I'll get you another one there, Yzma."
I look over to Pacha and he's sweating beads. I keep my head down so they don't notice we're here. Oh no. Kronk walks up to our table.
"You gonna use that fork there, pal?" He asks. Pacha shakes his head and hands him the fork. "Hey...don't I know you?"
Soon, the chef bursts out the door, quitting. Kronk walks into the kitchen mumbling something, Yzma following behind him. Pacha grabs Kuzco and we walk outside.
"Hey! What are you two doing?!" Kuzco complains.
"Look, there are two people in there looking for you. A big guy and a real skinny woman."
"It's Yzma and Kronk! I'm saved! They will take me back to the palace and turn me back. Thanks for you're help. You've been great."
"No! You don't understand! They're trying to kill you. Not take you back."
"Kill me? No no no, you don't understand. Their world practically revolves me!"
"Would you rather live or die at their hands? We can't let you do this." I say, dead serious.
"Oh I get it. You don't want to take me back! You want to leave me stranded here forever!"
"What? No! That's not....no. No." I say, my face relaxing a bit. He looks at me almost as if he believes me.
"This ha all been an act! And I fell for it! Pacha, all you care about is your stupid hilltop. You don't care about me so just...go. Get out of here!" Kuzco says as he walks in to follow Yzma and Kronk. CRAP. Now what?!
Pacha decides the best thing to do is to at least look for him. We don't know what happened but if Kuzco heard something, he would definitely have ran away immediately.

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