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    We entered the city and walked through many markets. A market stand selling headscarves and dresses caught my eye. Luckily I had brought my money. I told Pacha to wait for me and headed over. I spotted a black headscarf and a beautiful blue dress inside. I payed for both of the items and put on the dress. I asked the employee to help me tighten the corset. Once he tied it, I thanked him and went back to where Pacha was standing, waiting for me to come back. He noticed i had my clothes from earlier in my arms and had a different dress on.
    "That looks nice. I think Chicha will be jealous." He laughed. I laughed along and asked him to help me with my headscarf. He politely agreed to help me. It took him about five whole minutes to figure it out until a lady came up to us and took over for him. We thanked her and continued on to meet the Emperor. We went up the many steps to the top. It was quite tiring to be honest. We saw a sweet old man tangled up in a now broken banner. I tripped over something as I rushed to help him down. I looked and saw it was one of his sandals. I picked it up and handed it to him, helping I'm down from the banner.
    "oh my gods! Are you okay, sir?" I asked him, worriedly.
    "I threw off his groove!" He said in response.
    "I'm sorry, what?" Pacha asks him. I think he was just as confused as I was.
    "His groove. The way in which the Emperor lives his life. I threw it off and he kicked me off the ledge!"
    "O- oh? OH! OH MY GODS!" I said, surprised and upset at the same time.
    "Don't throw off his groove....his groove....." He said as he walked away. Pacha and I looked at each other, visibly creeped out.
    'man...this guy seems like a real jerk.' I thought. We walked up the rest of the way, trying to shake off what had just happened. We got to the "top" and the guards stopped us, making their spears form an 'x'.
    "What are you here for?" One guard asks.
    "Um..I received a summon from the emperor this morning." He said, showing the guard the slip he received.
    "The throne room is up the stairs and to the left." He said in a serious tone. We went in the directions we were told to go, and entered a big red and gold room. We see the Emperor talking to a lady in purple, who was actually quite scary beyond all reason. She looks devastated as she is escorted out. He sits back down in his chair and the guards let us in the rest of the way.
    "Hey! There he is! My main village man!" He shouted.
    "uhm..Pacha. Heh." Pacha corrected him, giving out a nervous laugh. "Anyway, I got this summon...?"
    "Yep. That's right. You are just the man I wanted to see."
    "I- I am?" Pacha asks, clearly confused.
    "Yah. Word 'n the street is you can fix my problem!" The Emperor said as he slid down a rope. "You can fix my problem, can't you?"
    "Sure, I- I'll do what I can."
    "Good! That's just what I wanted to hear." He said, leading us into a different room. "Are you aware of how important your village is to the empire?" He asks.
    "Well I do know that we grow the crops and we....my village?" Pacha says as the Emperor show him a model of his village. I looked around the throne room and realized they went into the next room over. I quickly caught up to them.
    "you got a pretty sweet setup there on that hill, don't ya?" He elbowed Pacha.
    "hah. yeah, my family has lived up on that hill for the past six generations." Pacha said, forming a smile.
    "So uh, tell me. Where do you think you get the most sun."
    "I'd say just on the other side of..." Pacha says, gesturing to the model. "Those trees there. When teh sun hits that ridge just right, these hills sing."
    "Well that settles it!" The Emperor says excitedly, clasping his hands together.
    "uh- really?" Pacha asks.
    "Yep! Problem solved. Thanks for coming." He says, patting Pacha on the chest.
    "That's it? That's all you wanted me for?"
    "I just needed an insider's opinion before I ok'd this spot for my pool."
    "Y- Your pool?" Pacha asked.
    "Booyah-" the Emeror slammed a castle-like figure onto Pacha's house as it flew off the model village. This made me jump back for a second. "-welcome to Kuzcotopia! My ultimate summer getaway....Complete with a water slide. Isn't it great? it's my birthday gift to me!" I stared in shock as he hugged the model pool. I was quiet for a second before i spoke up.
    "Hey! You can't do that! We live there!" I said, visibly upset about this whole situation. He looked at me, spun me around making me do a 360.
    "And who might you be, sweetheart?" He asked, touching my earrings. I lightly slapped his hands away, as the earrings were my mother's and very delicate, afraid he was going to break them if he touched them too much.
    "Amelia Davis. And please, do not touch the earrings. They're very delicate and could break if not handled properly." I gave him a look and snapped back.
    "Ooo. Feisty. I like it." He said, smirking and putting his hands on his hips. "How would you like to be my Empress, sweetheart?" I looked at him seriously.
    "Keep dreaming, pretty-boy. And don't call me sweetheart." He smirked again, crossing his arms.
    "Alright, suit yourself.....sweetheart."
    "Egh" I made a sound I didn't mean to make. Kuzco snapped his fingers and we were being dragged out by guards. Okay seriously, where do these guys keep appearing from?

Pacha and I made it home safely, again. We were greeted by the kids first. I wondered where Chicha was at the moment. Tipo and Chaca jumped into Pacha's arms.
    "Dad! Amelia! I ate a bug today!" He said.
    "Oh? Was mom making dinner again? Don't tell her I said that." Pacha laughed.
    "I heard that!" Chicha said from the other room. "Everybody watch out, pregnant lady coming through."
    "Look at how big I am!" Tipo and Chaca said, standing next to a wall full of little measurements.
    "Alright, alright. The deals was you could stay up until Dad and Amelia got home. Now off to bed."
    "Awww, dad do we have to?" The kids asked Pacha.
    "Sure, you can stay up. we'll just be talking about how much we love each other."
    "ewww!" The kids started saying, and scurried off to bed. We laughed it off and I started to hit the hay, too. That is until I heard Pacha say he was going back to see the emperor again tomorrow. I popped out from behind the door.
    "I'll go with you, Pacha." I said.
    "oh I don't know about that."
    "Oh no, it's fine. I want to give that jerk a piece of my mind anyway." I say, pointing upward. Then I made a fist and swung it down. I started punching the air and making sound effects. I stopped when he said that he would let me go. I did a little victory thing and headed to the front door.

Emperor's New Groove - Kuzco x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now