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Chloe had been discharged. And she had refused to go home with Rachel. Rachel hadn't been pleased. But Thea managed to talk her round. "You're pregnant. I don't wanna put you under stress. I can always stay with a friend," Chloe said.

Thea looked to her and rolled her eyes. "Right. Good try.  But you're not going anywhere. You've been through enough and I'm here. If mum can't look after you. Then I will. Tom will be staying too. So I want you to get to used to him as Tom when he's here. And not your English teacher. Look. I know how things are. And how they're messy. But you need to get your life back on track. I've contacted a therapist. And they're going to see you a few days a week," Thea told her.

Chloe frowned. "I don't need to see anyone. I'm fine," she said.

Thea rolled her eyes. "You're not fine. So don't act like you are. You're my sister. And you've been through so much. And you're going to that therapist. Because I'm not going to watch you go through another suicide attempt. You can think I'm being a bitch or whatever. But I'm doing this for you. Okay?" She told her.

Chloe nodded and smiled. "Okay."


Chloe sat in the house. She looked to Tom and smiled. "How you feeling? I know you've been through a lot?" Tom asked.

Chloe smiled. She knew Tom was a good guy. He was good for her sister. But she knew it was complicated. And she knew how hard it was for them. Especially with Rachel.

Chloe looked to him. "I'm okay. I'm just taking it day by day I guess. I don't know. I feel like my mum let me down. I'm lucky to have Thea," Chloe said.

Tom looked to her and smiled. "She's a saint. That's for sure. But you don't need to worry. She loves you. And she'll do anything she has to, to keep you safe. I know you want to try and get back to normal. But she thinks school is a no go right now. It will take some time. But before you know it, it will be like nothing happened," Tom told her.

Chloe smiled as she looked to him. "You're a good guy. Just don't hurt or let my sister down. She needs you. She needs you more than she will admit. Especially with everything that's going on," Chloe said.

Tom grinned. "I won't. You don't have to worry," he said.


Chloe answered the door as she saw Rachel. She frowned. "You're not meant to be here. You're meant to be giving me space," Chloe said.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I don't care. Look. You can do what you want. But you live with me. And if you don't come home? Well, I will report Thea and make sure she never gets to keep that baby," Rachel said.

Chloe looked to her and frowned. She wanted to believe Rachel was bluffing. But how far would Chloe go to protect her sister? Even if it meant making herself miserable.

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