When ur cold mafia husband finds out u got a promotion, and doesnt agree with it

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When ur cold mafia husband finds out u got a promotion, and doesnt agree with it
One shot; sugakookiestan

"So whats ur plan of telling him". My bestfriend Jane says knowing what Jungkook is like.

"Well I dont know, since this type of thing gets him mad". I replied back.

"Where is he right now, he is still at work".

"Yea hes on another mission till early in the morning".

"Well u gotta tell him, cause u know what ur boss is like".

"He will end up calling Jungkook up, I know".

(2 Hours Later)

(3 am)

While sleeping I suddenly get woken up by the door opening and closing, wondering whats happening, I creep downstairs to see two men sorting out Jungkook.

"Hey what happened". I question the two men who am guessing are the people that Jungkook had a mission with.

"He got into a really big fight, and wouldnt let the person win, and in the end the person ended up dying but then caused Jungkook to get seriously hurt". One of the guys said.

"Thank u for bringing him back, Ill sort it out from here". I told the two men who were working for Jungkook.

Once the men went out, I started to sort him out by getting the aid kit first. But before anything happened I wanted to look to see how bad his body was.

All around his front were all bruises and cuts, his knuckles looked like they were broken but they werent, and his face was all beaten up.

After a while of looking around his body to see if anything is broken, I start using the aid kit, first cleaning around his face, making sure not to hurt him, then his knuckles, and lastly his front which was gonna be the hardest part.

As I started to work around his body, I could feel him tension up a few times.

After I was done, I decided to leave him for a while before telling him about my work.

(6 am)

I slowly walked down the stairs of our shared apartment, only to see Jungkook still asleep.

"Hey Jungkook, its time to wake up". I said quietly while also shaking him a bit.

"What time is it". Jungkook replied back.

"Its 6 am". I answered back

"Wait how long have I been asleep for". Jungkook asks getting a bit worried.

"About 9 or 10 hours".

"Ok good". Jungkook says back, calming himself down a bit.

"Hey, um Jungkook".

"Yes Y/N?".

"I gotta tell u something about work".

"God ur still working!?, I told u to live of my finances!". Jungkook says back getting clearly annoyed with me still working.

"But Jungkook I cant keep living of u, I wonna do other things than just cleaning up this apartment 24/7 and do nothing else, I wonna be out living my life!". I say back telling the truth.

"So whats ur news".

"I got a promotion at work".

"U got what!?". Jungkook yells back.

"A promotion?".

"U cannot get a promotion, u either cancel this promotion, or u quit work".

"But u cant make me do either". I say back getting a little upset.

"Well watch me". Jungkook answers back walking away.

"Jungkook please I need this money and job, cause what if something bad happens to u, and I cant live of u anymore, I have to have work, Ive got nothing else to do in life, cause all u do is keep me locked up".

"Fine u can keep the money and job, but cancel the promotion".

"U know what?, no I aint gonna live of ur commands anymore, just because ur the biggest mafia in the city, doesnt mean u get to control me, so i wonna live my own life, without u constantly controlling me"

"Fine do so, but dont blame me if u fail in the future, cause u aint asking me for nothing".

"Dont worry I wont".

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