After you pass away and he still sees you in his imagination

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After you pass away and he still sees you in his imagination
#QK팀 One Shot; aggukfics

Walking down the cold, dark, silent hallway with only the tiniest tint of light from the bright moon shining through the windows making it just bearable to see the pathway. Pictures on the wall reminding him of you, flashbacks of the beautiful memories you had together, everything you ever smelt or touch instantly reminds him of you. Wishing you were still here in his arms, able to hold you and feel loved again. Emotional. He sits down on the sofa holding a photos of you both together.

"All the memories we had together, all the fun times we spent going on trips and staying up all night eating and watching all the films we love, now all of these memories have gone, all because of that stupid drunk!". He cries in pain, throwing everything that comes into sight onto the hard marble floor, making all the sharp pieces spread across the living room and kitchen.

A sudden whisper quickly sharpens his movement of his head to where the sound was heard from.

"Hello!?, is anyone there!?". He shouts to the voice. Again another whisper. "Show yourself!". Now coming closer to the sound every step he took.

And then that's when he saw a shadow but it wasn't any shadow it was a figure. A black figure. A figure that looked and dressed like you before the accident happened.

"Y/N?". He says in a heart broken tone. "Is that you?".

A bearable voice spoke once more, but this time it was more clear. "Hey, long time no see Namjoon". The voice says in a soft, calming way.

"I've miss you so much, I'm failing to cope without you". Namjoon replies nearly on the edge of break down.

"You will eventually overcome the accident, and find someone just as special".

"But I only want you, and you only, I could never find someone like you".

"Namjoon you have to, it's been almost 2 years, I've been watching you from above and I always see you looking at girls but then your facial expressions change once you remember me, you can't keep going on like this, find someone that will light up your days again just like I did". And with that you disappear back to heaven to watch him develop his brand new life.

Weeks and months have passed, and Namjoon is still looking for the right girl, but just can't stop thinking about you, every time he goes on a date and the girl reminds him of something that you did when you two went onto dates, he would just excuse himself and run away, leaving the girl wondering what she did so wrong.

Now a year has passed and Namjoon finally found another girl, but she was nothing like you, she didn't have beautiful hair, or have the personality you had. But he knew that no matter how many girls he looks at or gets to know, he knew none of them would be you.

2 years have passed and Namjoon is still with the same girl, but having troubles in the relationship due to not putting you and him in the past. The girl suggest therapy, and after nearly a year, Namjoon is finally over the accident but has not forgotten about you.

One night while Namjoon was getting up to get a drink, he hears some noises, but ignores them knowing that it's you and your still watching him from above waiting for him to let you go.

"My sweetheart, thank you for watching over me, and being there for me, but now it is time to let you go, sleep well my princess, I love you so much and I will never stop".

And you one more spoke before disappear into the next world.

"I love you to my prince, stay safe and healthy, goodbye and sweet dreams".

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