When you plan to confess to your bestfriend

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When you plan to confess to your bestfriend, only to find out hes already got a girlfriend
One Shot; sugakookiestan

"Y/N, u have to tell him how u feel". My bestfriend says.

"But what if he rejects me, or even worse ends our friendship". I saying worringly.

"If he does, then hes a coward".

"Well school is tomorrow, so ill confess then". I say back.

"Alright good luck".

"Thanks ill need it". I say back.

(At school)

Walking to school, I suddenly see Namjoon with a girl. I slowly walk upto them while they are talking.

"Hey Namjoon".

"Oh hey, Umm im busy right now, can we talk later". Namjoon says while scratching his neck.

"But why".

"Just because".

"Namjoon, why cant we spend time together like we always do before class". I say honestly.

"Because ive now got a girlfriend, sorry but we gotta go".

"Namjoon-". I say as I try to get him to turn around.

"Hey Y/N".

"Oh my god!, u scared the hella out of me, dont do that". I say as I put my hand over my heart then give Stella a playfull push.

"Im sorry, so how did it go".

"I failed, he has a girlfriend now, so theres no point of confessing now".

"Y/N, c'mon dont give up, this isnt u".

"Well Stella it just proves that he doesnt like me the same way back and thats fine, I just hope Namjoon having this girl of his, wont destroy our frienship". I say sadly.

"If he really loves u the way he says he does then, this friendship between u two wont end, just know that". Stella says.

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