When you find out you can't get pregnant and your husband suggest an adoption

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When you find out you can't get pregnant and your husband suggest an adoption
#QK팀 One Shot; aggukfics

Have you ever got this weird feeling in your stomach like you think that you might be pregnant, 'cause you missed a month out?, well that was me.

One morning I felt this sudden urge to be sick, but luckily Namjoon wasn't at the house, he was at work due to Bang PD wanting him in. I was deciding whether to call Namjoon but instead I decided to step down from that and go to the shop to buy a pregnancy test

After coming back from the shop, I quickly ran to the bathroom to see if I was, soon after the amount of time it said on the test to wait, the test finally came back saying 'positive'. Suddenly a sick feeling in my stomach suddenly came like that feeling of disappointment, knowing due to Namjoon being busy and all that, I knew he wouldn't have enough time and I would have to have an abortion, but I didn't want to think to far ahead neither did I want to think about having a child yet, since we haven't even talked about it. 

Couple of days went by and I finally got the courage to tell Namjoon, I slowly went downstairs due to being terrified of his reaction, and there he was sitting of the couch on his phone.

"Hey Namjoon" I say in a shaky tone, and unfortunately Namjoon heard my shaky tone. 

"Hey Claude, why the shaky tone for?" Namjoon asks sounding worried.

"I need to tell you something"

"Alright sit on the couch first" Namjoon says patting the seat next to him.

As I sit down I get ready to speak. "Well you see, I know we haven't talked about this due to being how long we have been together".

"Ok?" Namjoon replies with a questionable look.

"I know your busy due to work, but please don't be mad at me".

"I promise I won't be mad, unless it's something bad".

"No don't worry it isn't". As I prepare for Namjoon to decline the baby I continue on. "Im pregnant". Closing my eyes, I wait for Namjoon angry voice, but it turns out to be the exact opposite.

"Wow, Im gonna be a father?" the shock but also excitement on Namjoon's face brightens up the fear inside me. "Wow I don't know what to say".

"Are you excited or angry?".

"Im a bit of excitement and shocked but im definitely not angry". As Namjoon continues "How far along are you?".

"About almost 2 weeks".

"Well when you get bit more further along, we will go for an appointment.

Im now 2 months along and today is the appointment to see about the baby. After driving there checking on the baby and getting the ultrasound, the bay turns out to be happy and healthy.

But one night that all changes. This sudden sharp pain strikes through my body making me wake up instantly and screaming from the amount of pain, and making Namjoon wake up with full of concern written all over his face.

"What's happening!?" Namjoon hurries to my side, checking on me.

"I don't know but the pain it's unbearable" I scream while saying it. 

"Ill call the ambulance" Namjoon says as he rushes to his phone.

I suddenly feel something wet on the sheets, making me fill with fear for the worst, as I slowly take the covers off, with Namjoon also watching me do so, I slowly see stains of blood appear more and more.

"Namjoon!" I instantly start crying, and making Namjoon cry in the process.

We were soon rushed to the hospital, and after hours of waiting a doctor finally comes into the room.

"I just got your test results back" the doctor says with a sorry face.

"Is it good or bad". Namjoon replied while holding my hand.

"Im sorry to say but this is bad news" the doctor puts his head down in sorrow. "Im sorry to say but you had a miscarriage but another bad news is that, you aren't able to have children".

After saying that the doctor leaves the room, letting us be.

A few months have went by nearly almost a year, when I hear the unexpected from Namjoon.

"Hey Jagiya, I know your still coping with this miscarriage but I want to suggest something, and before you say about me being someone else to have a family with them, but I don't give a damn about that but, I was thinking of adopting, only if your up for it as well".

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