When your pregnant and have a miscarriage

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When your pregnant and have a miscarriage and your mafia boyfriend thinks its your period
One Shot; sugakookiestan

"Its getting late, lets go to sleep now". Yoongi says knowing that he has to get up early.

"Alright, ill be back just a second".


While walking to the bathroom I feel sharp pains in my stomach but I dont show it infront of Yoongi.

While in the bathroom, I feel the same sharp pain again shooting through, oh no please dont be what I think it is.

I suddenly start to feel dizzy and decided to sit down.

Oh god I think Im having a miscarriage, and Im only 6 weeks pregnant, and Yoongi doesnt even know Im pregnant. But he has to know, so I decide to shout him.



"Can u come here please, I need u".

"Wassup". He says opening the door. "Oh umm ur on ur period I see, Ill just get the pads".

"No Yoongi wait".

"What is it, dont u need pads?".

"Im not on my period".

"Then what is it".

"Ive had a miscarriage".

"A what?".


"But how, u werent even pregnant".

"I was but I didnt tell u".

"Why?, u do know its my child so why didnt u tell me, unless it wasnt my child and u cheated on me". Yoongi says getting angry.

"No I didnt cheat on u, the reason I didnt tell u, is cause of ur busy schedule and u wouldnt have time to be a dad".

"I would have time, cause Im going to be moving down a role in the mafia building".

"What do u mean?".

"The stage down from the mafia king, is if ur having a personal problem at home, u dont want to tell anyone, u can just take how long u want off, but if ur the mafia king, u need to tell all ur personal details about why ur taking time off".

"What are we gonna do about this problem then".

"Lets go to the doctors first, and then we will wait a few months and try again".

"How about years, cause I need strength to get prenant again".

"Alright I understand, that ur sad about our loss, we will try again in a few years time".

And with that Yoongi comforted me till I wasnt in pain anymore, then the next day we went to the doctors, and found out I did have a miscarriage.

(Few years later)

"Hey Yoongi". I say walking towards the kitchen".

"Yes darling". Yoongi answers back with a smile on his face.

"Im ready to get pregnant again".

"Alright, go to the bedroom and Ill be there in a minute". Yoongi says telling me what to do.

"Alright". I say while walking towards the bedroom excited.

9 months later, we have a beautiful baby girl, but we will never forget the loss of our first child.

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