Chapter 1

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(It was another day in Equestria, and the brave heroine Generous Crystal have woken up and is ready to have some breakfast)

Generous: I can't believe that today is my birthday.

Terence: (Meows and points at the empty cat bowl)

Generous: Don't worry. I got you cover.

(Grabs a cat food bag with her magic and fills the bowl with cat food. After finished feeding her cat she sit in front of her table to have some breakfast)

Generous: (Levitates the cereal box) What do you think Terence? Today might be my lucky day. (Puts cereal to her bowl when suddenly an orange ring wrapped in plastic fell on her bowl) No way, the last ring of Inspirion! (Levitates the ring with her magic) Wow, this is awesome!!! (Uses her magic to levitate four more rings. One was blue, one was blue green, one was grey, and one was pink and all of them were wrapped in plastic) Now I have the whole set!!!!

(Then a knock on the door was heard)

Derpy: Package for Generous Crystal.

Generous: Coming.

(Generous opens the door and Derpy Hooves was there carrying a package)

Derpy: Please, sign here.

Generous: (Signs for the box and takes it as Derpy flies away. Then she closes the door and takes a look at her package and there was a note saying "To: Generous, from: Spike". Generous opens the package and pulls out a comic book that was inside) Issue number one! The first ever Courageous boy and Captain Pawsome!!!!! I can't believe this!!!!!! (Sits down to read it) Okay, you're ready Terence?

Terence: (Sits next to her)

Generous: (Reading) "Far, far away in a whole other galaxy is the planet Inspirion whose citizens had spent eons in peace and prosperity. Protected by the five power rings of Inspirion. All that changed when the evil commander Strex attacked seeking to capture the sacred rings. (Imitates male voice) Captain Megalis, you must take the rings to safety. (Imitates another male voice) There! It's the most distant habitable planet we know of! (Imitates female voice) But it's far too dangerous, I may never see you again. (Imitates male voice) Don't worry, my princess, I will return to marry you. (Back to her normal voice) Magalis sped towards earth. Strex's ship fired on the Inspirion ship".

Terence: (Whimpers)

Generous: (Mimicking gun firing) "Megalis' ship was starting to weaken. But Megalis had a plan. He placed the rings in a torpedo and deactivated it. Playing dead, Captain Megalis lured Strex in and fired two torpedoes. The first was a direct hit and the second narrowly missed and flew directly towards earth with the rings of Inspirion! (Imitates Megalis' voice) You'll never get the rings Strex. (In her normal voice) Megalis rammed his vessel into the Darkonian ship. (Imitates Stex's voice) Oooh, the rings. No!!!!! (In her normal voice) Strex thought that Captain Megalis and the rings were gone for good, but Megalis' plan had succeeded and he managed to escape in a damaged pod, heading in the same direction as the torpedo which crashed somewhere on planet earth".

(Later Generous and Terence were headed for Sweet Apple Acres. When they got there, Applejack and her family were waiting for her)

Generous: Hey Applejack!!!!!

Applejack: Hey!!!!

(Then the rest of the mane 6 appeared)

Pinkie Pie: Surprise!!!!!!!!

Twilight Sparkle: Happy Birthday!!!!!

Rainbow Dash: Surprise!!!!!!!!

Fluttershy: Happy Birthday, Generous.

Rarity: It's the birthday mare.

(Then Generous' friends appear, and Thunder, Clara, Silver and Bong were dressed up as superheroes)

Generous: Oh sugar cubes, you look like superheroes.

Bong: Yeah, too bad we don't have superpowers.

Generous: Haven't you read Courageous boy and Captain Pawsome? Superhero rule number one: You don't have to have superpowers to be a superhero. And also thank you for coming here to celebrate. You guys look great.

Applebloom: Where is Granny Smith?

Granny Smith: (Appears in a superhero suit up on the roof of the barn) Evildoers, beware! The amazing Granny Mare is here! (Laughs and rides on a zip line as the Ride of the Valkyries was playing on the background on a phonograph)

Twistar: Wow, look at that.

Thunder: That is so cool.

Rainbow Dash: Awesome!!!!!

(Then Granny Smith falls on trolley full of hey as the music stops)

Delilah: That was so cool!!!!!

Thunder: That was major sweet.

Granny Smith: (Gets down from the stroller)

Applejack: Grandma are you okay?

Granny Smith: Sure, except from my hip, I guess but shhhh it's Grannny Mare!!!! You don't wanna give my secret identity away, do you?

Big Mclntosh: (Arrives holding a big present)

Granny Smith: Surprise!!!

Generous: Another gift?

Granny Smith: Well, you're only 18 once, girl.

Generous: (Opens it up and sees it's a pink superhero suit) Wow, Mrs. Smith you rock.

Granny Smith: Alright, who's ready for the Super Crystal Birthday Treasure Hunt?

Rose: Treasure hunt? OMG, I love treasure.

Bong: I don't think she means real treasure, Rose.

Generous: (Arrives wearing her super suit) Behold Super Generous Crystal!!!!!

Catherine: Woah, that is so cool.

Granny Smith: Alright gang, let's split up into teams of two. When you hear the sound of the bugle, the hunt begins. (Chickles) Okay. (Plays the bugle)

Big Mclntosh: (Gives to the oc's and the mane 6 a paper)

Twilight Sparkle: A circular object.... I've an idea, come on.

Rainbow Dash: Aw sweet.

Evelyn: C'mon oc's, the hunt is on!!!!! Meet back at the barn.

Generous: Let's go.

To be continued

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