Chapter 5

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(Meanwhile the oc's were wondering in California to find someone to rescue when suddenly a voice was heard)

Girl: Help!!!!! Help me!!!!! Help!!!! Help!!!!

(The oc's turned around and saw a house that was on fire as a little girl had her head out of the window screaming for help)

Generous: Oh no!!!! That girl is in real trouble!!!!!!

Thunder: We need to help her.

Bong: The super oc's are in high demand!!!!! What did the world do without us?

Generous: Sit tight, I'll be right back!!!!! (Runs fast inside the house and then come out) She's in 8-B, but the door's locked.

Thunder: Super oc's to the rescue!!!!!!

(He and the oc's come in. Once inside Thunder breaks the door down)

Thunder: Doors aren't a problem for Super Thunder.

(The oc's come in and hear some whimpering)

Generous: I can hear someone whimpering.

Clara: Smoke, dissipate.

(The smoke then disappears, and they see the little girl crying and coughing at the same time. Suddenly debris fall and trap the door)

Generous: Oh no, we're trapped!!!!! Clara, move the debris!!!!

Clara: (Tries to move the debris but they're too heavy) I can't move it....

Silver: Now what do we do?

Generous: We're superheroes remember? Let's not panic.

Thunder: I think that train already left the station.

(Suddenly, Megalis appeared and jumped over the debris)

The oc's: Captain Pawsome!!!!!!!

Generous: Captain Pawsome, is that really you? You are real!!!!!

Megalis: You five creatures have the rings of Inspirion? You have no idea how long I've been searching for those.

Generous: These are the real rings of Inspirion? Not toys?

Megalis: Yes, and lucky for you guys, I tracked them here. We have no time to waste. (To the girl) Grab onto my neck, and don't let go.

(The girl grabs onto his neck and walks with him as the oc's followed. Soon they got out)

Girl: Mum!!!!! (Rans towards her and hugs her as she hugged her back. To the News reporter) The super creatures and Captain Pawesome saved me!!!!!

Thunder: Whoa, guys!!!!! That was too close to comfort.

Megalis: What you did back there was very dangerous. You guys have much to learn before you're ready to handle the power of those rings. Now where did you find them?

Generous: At my friend's apple farm.

Megalis: Strex will track the signal to the originating position. We must hurry, we are in great danger.

Girl: There, look. (Points at Megalis and the oc's)

Elina Manuiez: Oh my!!!! Elina Manuiez reporting to you with the real super creatures!!!!!

(Everyone starts cheering for the oc's and applause)

Megalis: Guys, now!!!!!! There's very little time.

(Meanwhile, at Generous' house, The other oc's were looking at her comics)

Evelyn: I know it's here somewhere.

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