Chapter 6

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(That night, Applejack was holding a garden hoe saw Strex coming with the other oc's as hostages, as the oc's and Megalis were ready for the fight)

Generous: Our friends!!!!! Let's go see them, guys.

Megalis: Stay put! That could be Strex. The Darkenians can possess any life-form they choose and use it as their own. They call it "body-snatch".

Applejack: Twilight, what are you doing back here? How come the oc's are tied up?

Little Miss Crazy: Applejack!!!! That's not Twilight, it's an alien. Watch out!!!!!!

Applejack: (Points the how at him)

Strex: That's right, cowgirl. Watch out. (Shoots electricity at her making her fall down)

Delilah: Applejack!!!!!!!!!

Generous: Oh no!!!!!!!

Megalis: Don't worry, she's just stunned.

Strex: (To the oc's as he unties them) Into the red structure!!!

Evelyn: (To the oc's) Do what he says.

Strex: Get!!!!

(The oc's came in the barn and he closes them inside. The oc's tried to break down the door but it's no use)

Rose: It's locked.

Catherine: But we've gotta find a way to stop him.

Evelyn: (Pulls out the comics)

Delilah: I don't know if this is the best time to read, Evelyn.

Evelyn: Guys, with all we've seen today, it's pretty obvious that the rumors are true. Everything in the Captain Pawsome comic books is real. There's gotta be something in here to tell us how to defeat Strex. (Gives them each of them a comic) Start reading.

Strex: (Presses some buttons on his spaceship and a blue light comes out of it)

Bong: Something tells me that ain't good in the hood.

(In outer space the light starts pulling an asteroid towards Earth)

Applejack: (Gets up) What in tarnation's is that?

(At the news)

News Producer: Breaking News, as a meteor has unexpectedly changed course and is heading towards Earth. Scientists report the meteor changed direction and is accelerating at a rapid pace towards uswithout explanation. They estimate only hours left before it's devastating impact. We go now to Elina Manuiez, reporting live from the field.

Elina Manuiez: Thank you, Max. This just in. A strange electrical storm is also being caused by the meteor as it gets closer to Earth. Stay inside, keep your love ones safe. Super oc's, if you're watching, please help us.

Megalis: Stay behind this tractor. I'll flush out Strex and remember what I taught you.

(When Strex came out of the ship, Megalis approached him)

Megalis: Strex, it's I, Captain Megalis.

Strex: Megalis? But your ship!!!!! I thought you were dead!!!!!

Megalis: You thought wrong.

Strex: After all these years, I look forward to obliterating you once and for all. Without the rings, you have no powers to match me.

Megalis: We'll see about that.

(Strex shoots electrocution at him, but Megalis dodges it)

Megalis: You missed me.

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