Chapter 3

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(The next day at Thunder's house, Thunder have wake up from his nap)

Thunder: Time to break the fast with a morning snack. (Then the blue ring glowed) Wow, what just happened? (Then Thunder tried to open the fridge but ends up breaking the fridge's door) Whoa!!!! How did I get this strong?

(Meanwhile under the screens, Bong was looking for a book to read, she looks up and sees a book on the highest shelf of her library. She reaches her hands to get it and then the grey ring glowed and her body stretched to the shelf and Bong got the book)

Bong: Wow, slamma-jamma dunk!!!!! (Then her down half came up and her body becomes normal againbut she's still up in her library)

(Meanwhile at Hollywood, Clara was practicing her yoga when suddenly the orange ring glowed and she started floating in the air)

Clara: (Opens her eyes and realizes she's floating) Whoa!!! (Her ring stops glowing, and she falls to the ground, luckily, she wasn't hurt) Well, that was weird.

(Meanwhile, Silver got out of her house to go meet her friends)

Silver: Alright, time to meet my friends.

(Then a man passes)

Silver: Oh no, a human. I'm cornered!!!! Must hide. Must hide!!!!! (Her ring glows and she becomes invisible as the man passes next to her without even noticing her) He didn't see me? I'm invisible? This is totally awesome!!!!!!

(Meanwhile in Equestria Generous woke up and had breakfast but she had to clean up her house)

Generous: (Sighs) It's going to take a long time. (Then her ring glowed and she started cleaning her house in full speed. When she's finished her house was clean) Wow, that was fast...... now, that's one for girl power. (Walks out of her house as Terence stared at her with his mouth wide open)

(Meanwhile at Jack Stanley's JSC comics)

Megalis: It's really happening. I verify everything. The rings have been activated. This is real Jack.

Jack Stanley: Where are they?

Megalis: Somewhere close to us. Slightly northeast. Not too far, but we can't pinpoint exactly where yet. We need a stronger activation. Trouble is if we're getting a reading, that means Strex can, too.

(And he's not wrong. In space inside a black spaceship, a green little alien with big pointy ears came to inform Strex about the rings)

????????: Oh, Commander Strex, sir?

Strex: I thought I said no interruptions, GOB- lin!!!!!! I'm still ruing the day I lost the rings of Inspirion forever!!!!

GOB-lin: Oh yes, Commander. I realize that, but that's just it. After all this time, I mean, we have had a faint signal.

Strex: But that's impossible. They were destroyed with that fool Megalis rammed my ship and perished.

GOB-lin: Well, you see, the signal came from the 49thQuadrant. A green and blue planet we have located called Earth.

Strex: Megalis must have sent them there before he disintegrated along with his ship!!!!!!! GOB-lin, we must leave at once!!!!!

GOB-lin: Ooh, the glory of exploration!!! Oh, I'll prepare your space pod immediately, sir.

(Meanwhile back in Earth, the oc's except from Generous and Silver gathered in Ponyville)

Bong: Thunder!!!! What's all that about?

Thunder: The reason I called this emergency meeting is...... well I noticed something strange.

Catherine: Where are Silver and Generous?

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