Chapter 2

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(Once everyone split up, Silver, Catherine and Applebloom went to where the pigs are)

Silver: That's strange, where's all the mud?

Applebloom: Applejack cleaned them for the party and then drained the mud so they would look their very best.

Catherine: Well that is a mega- colossal bummer. (Walks towards a barrel with water and turns it on. Then the hose watered the ground) When water mixes with dirt, mud will co-exist. (Watches the pigs rolling in the mud)

(Meanwhile Generous and Bong get to the chicken coop)

Generous: An egg is a circular object, Bong. Why don't you get one?

Bong: I would but you know, I just don't wanna get the chicken pox.

Generous: Bong, you don't get chicken pox from chicken. If you're too scared, I'll go.

Bong: This storybot is not afraid of anything, let alone some scrawny chickens. (Gets inside the chicken coop as the chicken stare at her, then she pushes one egg to take it and then the chicken started glaring at her) Um, it's not what it looks like? (Puts the egg back) Uh, I'll just get out. We're cool right? (The chickens then charged at her and Bong get out of the chicken coop screaming as the chickens chased her) Run!!!!!!!!! Giant chicken in the house!!!!!!! I'm flying the coop!!!!!!!!

Generous: Oh boy. (Goes after them)

(Later after that the oc's went inside the barn)

Generous: There's gotta be something in here.

Bong: Treasure-schmeasure!!!! All I've found so far is a bunch of chicken feathers.

Thunder: Look girls, in there!!!!! Something is glowing!!!!

(The oc's headed to where the glow was coming from and they saw that it came from a whole)

Evelyn: (Digs the dirt from the whole and sees five rings which looked exactly like the rings of Inspirion)

Generous: Wow, those look just like the rings of Inspirion from my cereal box. But how'd they get in here?

Rose: Why'd she just leave them here in a pile of dirt?

Generous: Maybe Granny Smith buried them and that's what we're supposed to find on this treasure hunt.

Evelyn: I don't know Generous, looks like they've been here for years.

(Then the rings started glowing and floating)

Thunder: Um GC? Do the rings from your cereal float?

(Then the rings came towards the oc's. Generous wore the pink one, Thunder wore the blue one, Silver wore the blue-green one, Bong wore the Grey one and Clara wore the orange one. Once they wear them the rings stopped glowing. Then the sound of the bugle was heard)

Generous: Oh boy, it's the birthday cake bugle!!!!!

(The oc's get out of the barn and made it outside ready for the cake)

Granny Smith: There you guys are. Well, blood-sugar needs to be taken care of and that means cake!!!!

Everyone: Yeah!!!!!

Applejack: Yiha!!!!!

(Then Terence come out of the cake wearing fake teeth inside his mouth)

Granny Smith: Terence, you found my extra set of dentures. I've been looking all over for those. (Takes the dentures from Terence while laughing) Thank you, big fella.

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