Chapter 14 - Peters POV

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So, I was sent back to Beacon Hill on a mission. My mission was to catch Izzy and bring her to Klaus. I did not like the idea of being someone's delivery boy but with three dozen werewolves at my disposal how could I resist. I had to appreciate the way Destiny travels but I hated the feeling it caused in my stomach. It felt like my stomach had flipped over on itself and I wanted to vomit up all its contents.

"Were to boss." One of the wolves asked me filled with attitude.

It turned to see who it was. I was not surprised to see that it was the Alphas cousin. He had openly been objecting to this mission sense he was told bout it. I genuinely believed he was sent to keep an eye on me.

"Were going to kidnap a strong teen witch. She will fight but she is the Queens best friend so do not hurt her." I told them.

All of them nodded except him who rolled his eyes.

"Do you have a problem?" I challenged him.

"Just sick of dealing with witches." He answered.

"That's why we need to save the Queen. She will put the rest of them in her place." I told him.

"So, were does this girl live?" One of them asked.

"At the end of the block." I told them.

Six of them came with me to the front door while the others went around the back to block her in.

"What's the plan?" One of them asked.

"We nock." I said to him as I knocked on her front door.

"One minute!" I heard Izzy yell from behind the door.

She opened the door a second later with a smile on her face. A smile that instantly went away when she realized it was me. She stood there frozen in fear.

"Aren't you going to let us in?" I asked her.

She did not answer instead she slammed the door in my face.

"I love it when they run." I said before kicking in the door.

I walked in knowing she would not make it out the back door. When I walked into the kitchen she was surrounded.

"I see you have made some friends since you escaped the loony bin." She said to me.

"Now that hurts. I thought we were friends." I replied.

"Yeah, I won't make that mistake again." She told me as she looked to get ready for a fight.

"Look I don't want to hurt you, but you need to come with us." I told her.

She looked around the room obviously waying her options.

"And if I refuse?" She asked me.

"I said I don't want to hurt you. I never said I won't." I informed her.

"I would like to see you try?" She said as she hit me with a wave of energy flinging me across the room.

"Get her!" I yelled.

The house erupted into chaos. Izzy was defending herself well. Things were flying around the room. Everything that carried electricity was exploding all around us. If I did not do something soon, she was going to bring the house down on us.

While she was distracted fighting everyone else, I snuck up behind her. I grabbed a handful of her hair and through her to the ground. She landed with a loud thud as her head bounces off the tile floor. She was obviously in pain as she stopped fighting and just struggled to stay conscious. The house became still.

I stood over her and placed the ancient handcuffs on her that Destiny gave me. They were used during the witch trials and suppress a witch's powers.

"I told you I would hurt you if I had to." I said to her unconscious body. 

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