Chapter 15 - Sam's POV

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"Why are you doing this man?" Dean asked the Shariff from where we sat in our jail cell.

There was no answer only stairs. The Shariff and the FBI Agent stood in front of the cell watching us. The young cop was guarding the door. The other two had disappeared.

"You do realized there monsters?" Dean asked him again.

The young cop looked back offended by his words.

"Were not here to hurt you, were just looking for someone." I told them.

"So, you're not hunters who will try to kill my sons pack?" The Shariff asked us sarcastically.

"Your sons a werewolf?" Dean asked him.

"No. But his friends are." He answered.

"And you, why are you covering for them?" Dean asked the FBI Agent.

"My sons the Alpha." He answered.

"Great." I thought aloud.

We might actually never make it out of here.

"So, what does this mean for us?" I asked them.

"That means you stay here until were sure your not a threat to our kids." The Shariff told us.

"Scott, you can't go in there." The deputy said to someone.

"Move." A powerful voice said, and the deputy moved.

Dean and I looked at each other knowing that this Scott must be the Alpha. What I was not ready for was a teenager walking in the room followed by a group of kids.

"You're the Alpha?" Dean asked him obviously just as confused as I was.

"He is." Derek answered for him.

"Where did she go?" Scott yelled at us.

"Who?" I asked.

"Your daemon bitch!" He yelled louder as his eyes glowed red.

"Scott calm down." One of his friends said to him.

"No Stiles. I will not calm down! Where is she?" He yelled again.

"If we knew, why would we be here?" Dean asked in response.

"Your lying!" He yelled again he was really starting to loose it.

"Scott, you need to leave!" His dad said to him.

"Not until they tell me what I want to know." Scott snapped at his dad.

"We wont help you find her." I told her.

"Ill make you." Derek threatened us.

"Why don't you open up this cage and we will see how it does down." Dean threatened the angry werewolf.

"I could electrocute them." A small Asian girl said.

"What?" A blond boy said who was even younger then the Alpha.

"It wont kill them. Just hurt a lot. I think." She told him.

"Your all crazy." I told them.

"Why do you even care about Destiny? How did you know we were coming?" I asked them.

"Phoebe told me." The angry werewolf told us.

"Why would she tell you anything?" I asked him at the mention of Destiny's mom.

"Do you not know? Oh god you don't. they used to date." A young spastic looking kid said as he twirled his car keys in one of his hands.

I could not believe this. I was yet again meeting a supernatural boyfriend. One she never told me about him. She told me about the other wolf. Why had she come here? I thought to myself.

Screaming Out For Destiny (Book Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant