Chapter 27 - Thana

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I had just got out of the shower when there was a knock on the door. I quickly wrapped myself in a towel and ran to the door.

"Hello." I said as I opened the door.

My towel almost dropped so I quickly tried to fix it.

"Is this a bad time?" An unfamiliar voice asked me.

"No, its fine." I responded as I finally secured my towel.

I looked up to look at the person at my door. I did not know who the attractive man in front of me was, but I instantly became uncomfortable. I don't know why but my entire body reacted to him. A chill actually ran up my spine.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me.

"Who are you?" I asked not being able to control my words.

I needed to know who this man was.

"Sorry, allow me to introduce myself my name is Elijah." He answered me.

"The older brother?" I asked remembering someone telling me a little about him.

"Yes." He responded, he seemed to be trying to figure me out and I did not like it.

"What do you want?" I asked, I just wanted him to go away.

"Just to introduce myself. Is something wrong?" He asked again.

Yeah you, I wanted to tell him.

"No. Just trying to get to bed." I told him.

"Okay. Then I will let you retire for the night." He told me.

I quickly slammed the door shut and locked it behind me. Once I was safe behind my door, I was able to breath again. I actually started hyperventilating. I had not realized how absolutely scared I was until he was gone.

"What the hell was that?" I asked myself.

After I managed to calm myself down, I decided I needed some air. Considering I had no windows I had no choice but to venture outside. I put on some shorts and a tank top and stepped into my slippers and made my way out side. Navigating my way through the halls were a mission on its own. When I finally reached the center courtyard, I noticed that I was not alone. The other girl from earlier was sitting outside.

I walked up and sat down next to her. She looked up at me then looked back to her feet.

"Needed some air too?" I asked her.

"You could say that." She responded.

"I'm Thana." I introduced myself.

"Hayley." She responded.

"Hopes mom?" I asked remembering her name.

"Yes. Why?" She asked as she became defensive.

"Just trying to get to know everyone again." I told her.

"Of course, sorry for snapping." She said as she looked back to her feet.

"Its not a big deal." I told her.

"So, your friends with Destiny, what was she like before she came here?" Hayley asked me.

"Don't know, amnesia." I answered.

"That's right Rebecca mentioned that." She said as she made eye contact with me.

"If you don't mind me asking what's up with Elijah?" I asked her and she looked at me confused.

"Why you ask?" She asked me.

"Just got some bad vibes. That's all." I told her not knowing of to explain it.

"Elijah is not the original you should be worried about." It looked like she was going to say more but she stopped.

She was looking behind me. I turned to see she was looking at Niklaus who was standing on the balcony. He was definitely listing to our conversation.

"I should get back." She said before getting up and heading out of the court yard.

Once she was gone, I made my way up to Niklaus who remained in the same spot.

"If you have some questions about my brother maybe you should ask me." He told me.

I was not sure if I should say anything to him. I mean Elijah is his brother.

"Did he do something to upset you?" He asked me.

Yes, I thought.

"No, I mean not really." I answered him.

"Well, which one is it?" He asked.

"He came to my room to introduce himself. He was perfectly nice. It was just a feeling." I told him.

"What kind of feeling?" He asked me.

"Panic, anxiety, dear, betrayal all wrapped in one." I answered him truthfully.

I was expecting him to say something, but he remained silent.

"Did something happen before?" I asked him.

"I can assure you there is nothing to worry about. There's no ill history between you two." He told me.

"Its just so weird." I said more to myself then him.

"Do you need assistance finding your way?" He asked me.

"I should be fine." I told him.

He nodded and walked back inside. I could not help but feel that something strange was happening here. 

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