Chapter 37 - Klaus

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Forty-five minutes later and three magical eye washes performed by Destiny later I was finally able to seem. My eyes had healed, and the burning was gone.

"What the hell did she do to me?" I asked Destiny.

"Well, she basically turned her blood into a magically enhanced acid that was not meant to be removed." She answered me.

"She can do that?" I asked her.

"She can do anything she wishes." She answered me.

"I told you not to anger her." Elijah said to me in his better then all voice.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him.

"My, my, someone's angry." Rebecca said taunting me.

"Everyone get out!" I yelled and everyone listened.

I was really angry, so angry I did not know what to do with myself. If it was anyone else, I would just kill them and move on. But killing her was not an option. So, I did the only other thing I knew to calm me. I grabbed a paint brush and got to work. I was not sure what I was going to paint but that sis not mater. Just getting the ink on the easily calmed me.

Hours later I was done. I took a few steps back to observe my work. Looking back at me where two menacing looking eyes. They made me fell uncomfortable. It took me a moment more to realize they were Thana's eyes. It was the way she looked at me when she was angry.

I have had enough. I decided I needed to talk to her. I needed to get this sorted out before we both killed each other. I knew if we kept this up one or both of us would end up dead.

I was not sure what time it was. It was dark out by now. I was probably late, but this needed to be done.

When I reached her door, I was about to barge in when I realized she was probably asleep. So, I knocked instead. I waited for her to respond but I did not get one. I knocked again with no response. I was now starting to get annoyed. I reached for the knob to find the door was locked.

"Thana open the door!" I yelled as I pounded on the door.

There was no way she did not hear me but still she refused to answer.

"Open the door now or I'm going to break it down!" I yelled.

"What do you want!" She yelled back at me while she snapped open the door.

Her dark hair was a mess, obviously from sleep. She was obviously angry, but I could not force myself to concentrate. She was standing there with one hand on the door and the other on her hip. Her bare hip. She was standing there in just her undergarments. I could not force my eyes from her body for some reason. There was nothing special about it, it was exactly the same as all the other doppelgangers. I was just feeling seemed to have vanished.

I knew if I did not look away soon, she would catch me staring but for some reason I could not look away.

"My eyes are up here." She said to me.

I shot my eyes up making contact with hers. She had a smug smirk planted on her face.

"Do you always answer the door in your undergarments?" I asked her.

"Only when an asshole bangs on it in the middle of the night." She responded.

"Look I did not come here to fight." I told her.

"Then what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I may have been a little hard on you before, but it's important we continue your training." I said to her.

"Are you trying to apologies?" She asked me.

"Just stating the facts love." I told her.

It looked like she was about to say something, but no words came. She just stared off blankly. It took a few seconds but then life returned to her eyes.

"Were did you go, just now?" I asked her.

"I accept your horrible apology. We'll start again in the morning." She said before slamming the door in my face.

I was left there wondering what had just happened. I really did not understand that bloody girl. She was infuriating. I was unable to decide if I wanted to leave or kick in her door. I stood there for a few moments before deciding there was enough violence today and headed back to my own room. 

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