Chapter 10

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I throw my head back and force myself to swallow the burning liquid, allowing it to set my throat alight. I slam the glass back on the table, a little harder than intended, my eyes watering. Danny pats me on the back before doing the same.

I grab the bar tenders attention, signalling that we want another round. He nods and gets busy.

"God, that's good." Danny grins, clearly he's already had enough to drink. I nod in agreement a smiliar grin spreading across my face. The bar tender slides another round of small glasses our way and we grab them greedily. Desparate to be so intoxicated we forget who we are, forget what we are or what we aren't anymore.

Before long we're staggering along the beach arm in arm with some Hawiian beauties, slurring and spitting as we speak. At one point I'm positive I'm carrying Danny, laughing hysterically. And then my memory's been temporarily lost and scattered.

I'm not sure what happened or why. But what I am sure of is that right now I've got a pounding headache and I'm in a bed. I slowly pull myself up my head spinning and stomach churning. Before I can even spot Danny whatever I consumed the night before burns a heck of a lot more coming back up. A familiar laugh echos across the room, and I glare up at Danny only to see him wretch as I just did. I laugh back at him.

"Where the heck are we?" He groans clearly finding the sun a little too bright today. I smile at him.

"Haven't a clue, but I think we should get a move on soon." I grin, hauling myself out of bed.

"Evelyn's gonna kill us." Hums Danny as we fumble towards the door, slide stepping over bottles, sleeping bodies and jumbles of sheets. I nod in agreement.

"Think we should walk it off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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