You'll regret disappointing me. Pt. 1

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Killer POV- are cunning and ruthless leader, Nightmare woke up last night in a cold sweat.  "He's been up since three am."
"What the fuck really?" Dust replied both of us staring in fear of Nightmare cleaning the floor on his hands in knees. Fear of what's gotten our leader terrified. A few hours later Horror comes down to make the gang breakfast only to find us already awake. A strange air of unease and tense silence spread through our castle.
Nightmare after hours of cleaning shuttered and quickly called us to attention. Me and Horror with the rest of the gang stood. I impatiently waited to know what the hell was going on.
Nightmare then spoke his voice quavering on his every other word, "My boss is coming for an inspection"
Everyone was just as confused as I was, Horror stuttered out, "you have a boss?!"
Nightmare pulls at the collar of his shirt and shifts nervously. "More like a religion really" he continued annoyed at Horrors outburst.
"And my God is coming over"

Nightmare POV-
I looked at my men and watched their smiles fall and look incredulously at me. I sighed and handed out orders, "you all need to be on best behaviour because if I disappoint him- I choked on the thought and looked down to the floor. Cross worriedly put his hand on my shoulder. I sighed and shook my head waving Cross away. "Horror can you cook this?" I showed him a picture of a royal dinner with six courses all perfectly crafted. He took the picture and squinted at it. Then he looked up and smiled happily, "Yes boss, definitely"
"Good" I smiled pleased at him. "Now, no matter what happens when he comes, do not interfere. And by god look professional!"
I sighed and went to change myself. Dismissing them and Horror went to begin preparations.
Two hours later a man warps onto our lawn out of a glitched portal.
I yell he's Here to dust and he sends the word.
Error POV-
I enter the building owned by my slave Nightmare. Nightmare looks me over, I wore a long black trench coat over a professional black collared shirt with blue strings fitted into the fabric. I still stood three feet taller than him and my bone tail swayed behind me when I walked. Nightmare was dressed more professional, in his old princely get-up. He nervously smiled at me.
Nightmare POV-
I sent Error the best smile I could muster hoping he couldn't sense my fear. He gave me a cold glare that sent shivers down my spine. My tentacles lowered in respect for his world destroying presence. He leaned down and his glitched voice crackled unsettlingly in my ear, "don't disappoint me"

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